You can configure your connection to DTP and security settings in the Server Settings tab of the Administration page.

  1. Choose Settings from the gear icon menu in Extension Designer or Policy Center to open the Administration page. 

  2. Choose Server Settings from the sidebar and specify the following information:
    1. Hostname: Host for DTP
    2. Web Port: Port for interacting with Report Center. See Requirements.
    3. API Port: Port for interacting with DTP APIs. By default, DTP APIs use SSL. See Enabling SSL
    4. MQTT Port: Port for the MQTT transport connector, which is the technology used for subscribing to DTP events (see Subscribing To Development Testing Platform Events).


  3. Click Test Server to verify your connection to DTP. 
  4. Click Set credentials and enter the login information for a DTP administrator account (see User Administration for additional information about users in DTP).
  5. By default, authentication settings are disabled, but you can require users to login by enabling the Enable Authentication option. Users will be authenticated against users stored in DTP. See Enabling Single Sign-on.
  6. When you enable authentication, you can also configure the security settings to assign all users the same permissions in Service Designer by enabling the Anonymous Access option.

  7. Click Save in the toolbar when finished.

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