The following table describes the dashboard templates that ship with DTP. Depending on your license, you may not have access to all built-in templates. See Upgrading DTP from Standard to Enterprise Edition.

Static AnalysisIncludes widgets that show information about static analysis violations associated with the specified filter.
OWASP Top 10Includes widgets that show compliance with OWASP Top 10 static analysis rules.
MISRA C 2012Includes widgets that show compliance with MISRA C 2012 static analysis rules.
Policy DashboardIncludes widgets that show the results of the policy runs as configured in Policy Center. The widgets in this template show summary information, details, and trends. See “Policy Center (Legacy)”, page 860, for additional information.
Agile DevelopmentIncludes widgets for agile development teams, such as iteration/sprint burn down, completed and in progress tasks, number of static analysis violations, unit test failures, and functional test failures.
Architect Dashboard 9.xIncludes widgets that gather information from Parasoft 9.x tools such as Jtest, dotTEST, and C++test. This template creates a view that was available in the Concerto Architect Dashboard (version 4.9 and older). See Legacy 9.x Functionality.
Diagnostics DashboardIncludes widgets that show Data Collector activity, including data collected about builds, file changes, and runs.
Risk DashboardIncludes widgets that provide visibility into risks associated with the project, such as the Risk Analysis widget.
Testing DashboardIncludes widgets that show test data.
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