Release date: October 10, 2017

Development Testing Platform

In this release, we focused on helping you understand the impact of change with by providing additional context around your development data. We've also bolstered our support for standards compliance and compliance initiatives. Finally, we made several UI/UX enhancements to help you make sense of the data and identify potential risk in your application.

Understanding the Context of Change

The following features and enhancements provide greater context around the data presented in widgets, explorer views, and reports.

Improvements to the Change Explorer

The Change Explorer view includes several enhancements, such as greater filtering capabilities and the ability to view source control information. The updates not only improve usability, but create a greater understanding of how the change affect the overall risk associated with the application.

Widget Updates

The Violations - Changed widget has been updated and is now the Violations - Changed - Statistics widget.

Resource Groups

Resource groups are now part of the general release. The ability to aggregate data based on groupings of files and/or folders was introduced under beta in 5.3.2. Resource groups currently apply to static analysis runs, but additional quality activities will be supported in future releases. See the REST API documentation for details.  

Enhanced Dashboard Settings

You can now compare two builds directly in the dashboard by setting the baseline and target builds for the entire dashboard. See Configuring Dashboard Settings for details.

Metrics by Build

The new API marks another progression from time-based SDLC analytics to a build-based paradigm, which enables development teams to measure and understand changes with greater speed. All metrics widgets, reports, and explorer now follow the build-based paradigm, enabling you to view metric data for the selected target build.

See REST API for additional information.

Broader Support for Compliance

The following changes extend Parasoft's support for compliance and compliance initiatives.

MISRA Compliance Pack

The MISRA Compliance Pack is a suite of assets that enable you readily monitor compliance with MISRA guidelines, as well as demonstrate compliance for auditing purposes, that you can deploy to your DTP and DTP Enterprise Pack environment. The compliance pack is available as a separate download (contact your Parasoft representative).

Enhanced Support for Requirements Traceability

We've introduced a new requirements traceability REST API that enables you to associate code with quality artifacts. Parasoft development testing products natively support associating tests with requirements through comments or annotations. But if the code is not executed, it is difficult to determine what parts of the code have been associated with a requirement. The API allows you to programmatically configure the association of requirement IDs with files. DTP also ships with an example script to that demonstrates how to integrate with the API. For assistance with custom integrations, contact Parasoft Professional Services.

Improved User Experience

Developing software is hard, but viewing software quality data shouldn't be. We've made several enhancement to the DTP interface to deliver a better experience, including:

Additional Updates for DTP

  • Updated project creation and configuration interface
  • Ability to rename a project
  • The Gate Summary widget has been deprecated and is replaced by the Policy Center Gate Summary Widget 2.1 for DTP Enterprise Pack.
  • Access to Project Center is disabled by default on new installation or when you upgrade to 5.3.3. See Project Center (DTP 5.3.3) for instructions on enabling Project Center
  • The following assets have been deprecated and are no longer available by default:

    Build widgets
    • Build Results
    Code widgets
    • Check-ins (9.x) 
    • Code Base Size (9.x) 
    • Code Review (9.x)
    Compliance widgets
    • MISRA C 2012 - Compliance
    Defects widgets
    • Defect Trend 
    • Enhancement Trend 
    • New Defects By Week
    Project Center widgets
    • Iteration Burndown
    • Requirements Burndown
    • Tasks
    Test widgets
    • Coverage per Run (incl. 9.x)
    • Coverage per Run Trend (incl. 9.x)
    Static Analysis (9.x) widgets
    • Errors by Category 
    • Errors by Severity 
    • Most Recent Errors by Category 
    • Most Recent Errors by Severity 
    • Static Analysis - Files 
    • Static Analysis - Violations
    Tests (9.x) widgets
    • Coverage
    • Functional Tests - Statistics
    • Functional Tests - Summary
    • Manual Test Sessions
    • Tests (Files)
    • Unit Tests
    • Unit Tests - Statistics
    • Unit Tests - Summary
    Dashboard templates
    • Agile Dashboard
    • Architect Dashboard
    • MISRA 2012 Dashboard
    • Risk Dashboard
    Compliance rule map
    • MISRA C 2012

    These assets are still shipped with DTP and can be deployed manually. See Deploying Legacy Assets.

  • The built-in dashboard templates have been updated. See Built-in Dashboard Templates.
  • Support for primary group IDs in Active Directory integrations.

DTP Enterprise Pack

Improvements to the MISRA Compliance Pack DTP Workflow

The MISRA Compliance Pack is a suite of assets that help organizations demonstrate compliance with MISRA C:2012 guidelines. We've made several improvements to the compliance pack in this release, including enhanced widgets and easier deployment. See MISRA Compliance Pack for DTP 5.3.3.

Requirements Traceability Report for JIRA

Leveraging the new DTP requirements traceability rest API, this report provides pass/fail information about tests and performs additional correlation that extend traceability from your quality artifacts to your JIRA system. The report is shipped with a new widget for visualizing the traceability data.

The report supports JIRA out of the box, but DOORS, Rationale, and systems can be integrated. Contact Parasoft Professional Services for details.

This artifact replaces the Traceability Report, which is no longer supported.

Parameter Values Endpoint

The new Parameter Values endpoint node improves usability by simplifying the process of creating custom widgets. The endpoint node also includes a new interface for generating new UUIDs, which ensures that widgets do not conflict with any other endpoints in the service. See the Creating Custom DTP Widgets Using Extension Designer tutorial for information on how to use this node.

Additional Widgets and Components

The following components were added or improved in this release:

Full Support for Reverse Proxy Environments

Reverse proxies are sometimes used to ensure high availability or strengthen network security. The reverse proxy configuration interface greatly eases the pain of integrating DTP Enterprise Pack into your development environment. See Reverse Proxy.

Additional Infrastructure Improvements

  • New backup, restore, and upgrade processes. See the subsections in the Installation chapter.
  • Improved stopping operation.
  • New status operation for verifying the state of all DTP Enterprise Pack components.
  • Integration with aliases with CORS whitelist. See Network Settings.
  • Safari browser support.

Improved Application Navigation

We've implemented greater consistency navigating core DTP functionality and DTP Enterprise Pack applications, including the following changes:

  • Admin settings have been moved to the Settings (gear icon) menu.
  • Enhanced server and network configuration settings page.
  • Enhanced integration with DTP

Resolved Issues

The following PRs and FRs were addressed in this release:

DTP-3469Document how to Export Users DB when migrating to new server
DTP-3428Loading report fails when resource author name is unusually long
DTP-2857Change Explorer – Unable to identify same files from difference SVN branch for the same project
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