In this section:

About Coverage Data Storage

Coverage data can consume substantial storage. In order to preserve space, DTP keeps coverage data for the last two builds by default. Data for older builds in the filter will be removed during regular database pruning. If you choose a pruned build when configuring widget settings, the following message is displayed:

''No data available. Target build does not have details data."

See Configuring Data Retention Settings for instructions on customizing test and coverage storage settings.

The coverage data retention settings only apply to the following widgets:

Coverage data for the following widgets is stored differently and are not affected by data retention settings in DTP:

Coverage - Percent

This widget shows the percentage of line coverage for a build. The widget can show coverage for either the most recent build or a baselined (locked) build. See Locking and Unlocking a Build (Baseline) for additional information.

Widget Configuration

TitleEnter a new title to replace the default title that appears on the dashboard.
FilterChoose Dashboard Settings to use the dashboard filter or choose a filter from the drop-down menu.
Coverage ImageChoose a coverage image from the drop-down menu to show coverage data in the widget. See  Associating Coverage Images with Filters.
Target BuildChoose a build from the drop-down menu to serve as the current data for comparison.


Click on the widget to open the Coverage Explorer filtered by build and filter. See Coverage Explorer for additional information.

Custom Dashboard Properties

You can add this widget to your custom dashboards by specifying the following properties in the dashboard definition JSON file (see Custom Dashboard Templates for details): 

"name": "coverage",
"type": "native",
"uuid": "a12eefab-25b6-4127-9ad6-a472208142b4

Coverage - Summary Trend

This widget shows the following information for the selected filter:

  • Current level of line coverage percentage of coverage
  • Change in line coverage from the previous day (taken from the Period setting)
  • Change in line coverage as a line chart from the baseline build to the target build

Widget Configuration

TitleEnter a new title to replace the default title that appears on the dashboard.
FilterChoose Dashboard Settings to use the dashboard filter or choose a filter from the drop-down menu.
PeriodChoose Dashboard Settings to use the dashboard date range or choose a period from the drop-down menu.
Coverage ImageChoose a coverage image from the drop-down menu to show coverage data in the widget. See Associating Coverage Images with Filters.
Baseline BuildChoose a build from the drop-down menu to set the initial data for comparison.
Target BuildChoose a build from the drop-down menu to serve as the current data for comparison.


  • Click on the widget to open the Coverage Explorer (see Coverage Explorer)
  • Hover over points in the trend line to show coverage for the reported build

Custom Dashboard Properties

You can add this widget to your custom dashboards by specifying the following properties in the dashboard definition JSON file (see Custom Dashboard Templates for details): 

"name": "coverage",
"type": "native",
"uuid": "bfd6867c-81b8-40f1-ba01-6b3af8914ac1"

Coverage - Trend

This widget shows the change in line coverage over the specified period of time. Gaps in the trend line represent builds that do not have coverage information. 

Widget Configuration

TitleEnter a new title to replace the default title that appears on the dashboard.
FilterChoose Dashboard Settings to use the dashboard filter or choose a filter from the drop-down menu.
PeriodChoose Dashboard Settings to use the dashboard date range or choose a period from the drop-down menu.
Coverage ImageChoose a coverage image from the drop-down menu to show coverage data in the widget. See  Associating Coverage Images with Filters.


You can perform the following actions:

  1. Click on the widget to open the Coverage Explorer. See Coverage Explorer.
  2. Hover over an area in the graph to view the coverage for that build.

Custom Dashboard Properties

You can add this widget to your custom dashboards by specifying the following properties in the dashboard definition JSON file (see Custom Dashboard Templates for details): 

"name": "coverage",
"type": "native",
"uuid": "31e7cb3c-1319-4d33-8157-8118771ee3f1"

Jenkins Cobertura Coverage - Percent

This widget requires a DTP Enterprise license.

Contact your Parasoft representative for additional information.

This widget shows the percentage of code covered, number of lines of code covered, and total number of lines for the specified job as reported by the Cobertura plug-in for Jenkins. The Jenkins API must return English for the widget to function properly.

Widget Configuration

TitleEnter a new title to replace the default title that appears on the dashboard.
Jenkins ServerURL of the Jenkins server, including the protocol (HTTP, HTTPS) and port. This field is required.
Jenkins JobName of the job. This field is required.
Jenkins UserSpecify the user name of a user with access to the Jenkins application if you are not using anonymous access.
Jenkins AuthSpecify the password for a user with access to the Jenkins application if you are not using anonymous access.


Click the widget to view the code coverage information in Jenkins in a new window.

Custom Dashboard Properties

You can add this widget to your custom dashboards by specifying the following properties in the dashboard definition JSON file (see Custom Dashboard Templates for details): 

"name": "test.jenkins_cobertura_coverage"
"type": "native",
"uuid": "b9a1c83e-652b-458c-8eb3-e0159f6083be"

Jenkins Cobertura - Summary

This widget shows the code coverage information for the specified job reported by the Cobertura plug-in for Jenkins. It includes the number of lines of code, total lines of code, and build ID of the last run. The Jenkins API must return English for the widget to function properly.

Widget Configuration

TitleEnter a new title to replace the default title that appears on the dashboard.
Jenkins ServerURL of the Jenkins server, including the protocol (HTTP, HTTPS) and port. This field is required.
Jenkins JobName of the job. This field is required.
Jenkins UserSpecify the user name of a user with access to the Jenkins application if you are not using anonymous access.
Jenkins AuthSpecify the password for a user with access to the Jenkins application if you are not using anonymous access.


Click the widget to view the code coverage information in Jenkins in a new window.

Custom Dashboard Properties

You can add this widget to your custom dashboards by specifying the following properties in the dashboard definition JSON file (see Custom Dashboard Templates for details): 

"name": "Jenkins Cobertura - Summary",
"type": "native",
"uuid": "86ee93c1-58d3-4ca7-89d7-cda9b095478c"

Resource Groups - Top 10 Tree Map

This widget shows the 10 resource groups in the filter with the highest percentage of coverage. Each resource group in represented in the widget as a tile. Larger tiles with a deeper color represent resource groups with higher percentages of coverage. 

 A resource group is a collection of resources (i.e., files and/or folders) defined by a set of one or more Ant file patterns. See Adding Resource Groups to Projects for additional information about resource groups.

Widget Configuration

TitleEnter a new title to replace the default title that appears on the dashboard.
FilterChoose Dashboard Settings to use the dashboard filter or choose a filter from the drop-down menu.
PeriodChoose Dashboard Settings to use the dashboard date range or choose a period from the drop-down menu.
Coverage ImageChoose a coverage image from the drop-down menu to show coverage data in the widget. See Associating Coverage Images with Filters.
Target BuildChoose a build from the drop-down menu that contains the data you want to see.


Mouse over a tile to view the name of the resource group and coverage. Click on a tile view coverage information about the resource group in the Coverage Explorer.

Custom Dashboard Properties

You can add this widget to your custom dashboards by specifying the following properties in the dashboard definition JSON file (see Custom Dashboard Templates for details): 

"name": "Resource_Groups"
"type": "native",
"id": "2e096c46-3f23-4997-a1a2-664d582522e8"

Resource Groups - Top 5 Table

This widget shows the five resource groups with the highest percentage of coverage. The widget renders a table that you can sort in ascending or descending order in the settings. 

Widget Configuration

TitleEnter a new title to replace the default title that appears on the dashboard.
FilterChoose Dashboard Settings to use the dashboard filter or choose a filter from the drop-down menu.
PeriodChoose Dashboard Settings to use the dashboard date range or choose a period from the drop-down menu.
Target BuildChoose a build from the drop-down menu that contains the data you want to see.
Sort ByChoose an order in which to present the data from the drop-down menu.
Coverage ImageChoose a coverage image from the drop-down menu to show coverage data in the widget. See Associating Coverage Images with Filters.


Click on a resource group name to view coverage information about the resource group in the Coverage Explorer

Click on the more... link to view the Resource Groups Report.

Custom Dashboard Properties

You can add this widget to your custom dashboards by specifying the following properties in the dashboard definition JSON file (see Custom Dashboard Templates for details): 

"name": "Resource_Groups"
"type": "native",
"id": "48b9f13c-a968-484d-a69a-48a2cdf39c3f"

C/C++test Coverage Overview - Percent

This widget shows the percentage of test coverage for a run configuration within the filter and target build. Filters may contain several run configurations, which are designated by a session tag and the test configuration name. See Run Configuration for additional information.

This widget only shows coverage information for C/C++test Professional. C/C++test Standard, dotTEST, and Jtest report line coverage only, whereas C/C++test Professional is capable of reporting several coverage types, in addition to line coverage. 

When configuring the widget, you can choose the following coverage types:

  • Block Coverage
  • Call Coverage
  • Decision Coverage
  • Function Coverage
  • Line Coverage
  • Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (MC/DC)
  • Path Coverage
  • Simple Condition Coverage
  • Statement Coverage

Refer to the C/C++test Professional documentation for additional information about coverage types and how to collect coverage.

Widget Configuration

TitleEnter a new title to replace the default title that appears on the dashboard.
FilterChoose Dashboard Settings to use the dashboard filter or choose a filter from the drop-down menu.
Coverage TypeChoose a coverage type from the drop-down menu. to show coverage data in the widget. Refer to the C/C++test Professional documentation for additional information about coverage types.
Run ConfigurationChoose a run configuration from the selected filter for which the coverage data will be presented. Run configurations are designated by session tag and test configuration name. See Run Configuration for additional information.
Target BuildChoose a build containing coverage data from the drop-down menu.


Click on the widget to open the C/C++test coverage report. Refer to the C/C++test Professional documentation for additional information about reports.

Custom Dashboard Properties

You can add this widget to your custom dashboards by specifying the following properties in the dashboard definition JSON file (see Custom Dashboard Templates for details): 

"name": "coverage_overview"
"type": "native",
"id": "7e6bda96-1776-4b8f-b966-50971c1b7160"

C/C++test Coverage Overview - Trend

This widget shows the change in test coverage over time for a run configuration within the filter and target build. Gaps in the trend line represent builds that do not have coverage information for the specified coverage type. Filters may contain several run configurations, which are designated by a session tag and the test configuration name. See Run Configuration for additional information.

This widget only shows coverage information for C/C++test Professional. C/C++test Standard, dotTEST, and Jtest report line coverage only, whereas C/C++test Professional is capable of reporting several coverage types, in addition to line coverage. 

When configuring the widget, you can choose the following coverage types:

  • Block Coverage
  • Call Coverage
  • Decision Coverage
  • Function Coverage
  • Line Coverage
  • Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (MC/DC)
  • Path Coverage
  • Simple Condition Coverage
  • Statement Coverage

Refer to the C/C++test Professional documentation for additional information about coverage types and how to collect coverage.

Widget Configuration

TitleEnter a new title to replace the default title that appears on the dashboard.
Coverage TypeChoose a coverage type from the drop-down menu. to show coverage data in the widget. Refer to the C/C++test Professional documentation for additional information about coverage types.
FilterChoose Dashboard Settings to use the dashboard filter or choose a filter from the drop-down menu.
PeriodChoose Dashboard Settings to use the dashboard date range or choose a period from the drop-down menu.
Run ConfigurationChoose a run configuration from the selected filter for which the coverage data will be presented. Run configurations are designated by session tag and test configuration name. See Run Configuration for additional information.


They x-axis represents the builds in the specified period. You can hover your pointer over an area of the widget aligned to a build to view the build ID name and precise coverage for the build.


Click on a the widget to open a dialog containing more detailed coverage information about the builds represented in the widget.

Click on a link in the Build column of the Coverage Trend dialog to open the C/C++test coverage report. Refer to the C/C++test Professional documentation for additional information about reports.

Custom Dashboard Properties

You can add this widget to your custom dashboards by specifying the following properties in the dashboard definition JSON file (see Custom Dashboard Templates for details): 

"name": "coverage_overview"
"type": "native",
"id": "93248a16-f3e0-4719-8cec-0706a13a1d20"
  • No labels