In this chapter:
Jenkins Job Results
This widget shows the build results from a Jenkins job. You can connect the widget to the Jenkins server anonymously or specify credentials in the widget settings to connect to the server as a user. The widget shows the name of the job, build ID, and the name of the last run. Add an instance of the widget for each job you want to monitory. Use this widget to help verify that there are no errors related to building the application under test in the event that DTP is not collecting data.
This widget requires a DTP Enterprise license.
Contact your Parasoft representative for additional information.
Widget Configuration
You can configure the following settings:
Title | Enter a new title to replace the default title that appears on the dashboard. |
Jenkins Server | Specify the URL of the Jenkins server, including protocol and port number, i.e., http://<host>:<port>. |
Jenkins Job | Name of the job you want to monitor. |
Jenkins User | Specify the user name for an account for the Jenkins server (optional) |
Jenkins Auth | Specify the password for an account for the Jenkins server (optional) |
Click on the widget to view the job status in the Jenkins server.
Custom Dashboard Properties
This is a legacy widget and cannot be added to Custom Dashboard Templates.
Portfolio - Quality Status
This widget provides an overview of the quality status for the filters in the specified portfolio. Refer to the Configuring Portfolios section for details about configuring portfolios in DTP.
If you are a member of a project associated with a filter in the portfolio, you will see an entry in the widget for that filter. See Adding Teams to Projects for additional information about team membership or Permissions for information about built-in user permissions in DTP.
Quality status is based on data for the latest build using the following metrics:
- Severity 1 violations
- Failed tests
- Code coverage
You can configure thresholds that define acceptable levels for these metrics (see Widget Configuration). All values for the metrics must be within the acceptable range for the project status to be set to Passed. If data for the quality metrics does not exist, the status for the project will still be set to Passed.
Widget Configuration
Title | Enter a new title to replace the default title that appears on the dashboard. |
Portfolio | Choose the name of the portfolio from the drop-down menu. See Configuring Portfolios for additional information. |
Sev 1 Violations Threshold | Specify the maximum number of severity 1 violations allowed. If the number of violations reported exceeds the value in this setting, the quality status will be set to Fail. The default threshold is |
Failed Tests Threshold | Specify the maximum number of test failures allowed. If the number of test failures exceeds the value in this setting, the quality status will be set to Fail. The default threshold is |
Coverage Threshold | Specify the minimum percent of coverage that is acceptable. If the reported coverage is lower than the specified value, the quality status will be set to Fail. The default threshold is |
Size | Specify a size for the widget. Choose Small to show the widget in a 1 x 3 space. Choose Large to show the widget in a 2 x 3 space. For additional information about widget sizes, see About the Dashboard Grid. |
You can interact with the widget in the following ways:
- Click on a column header to sort the data.
- Click on a link in the Latest Build column to view the Build Audit Report.
Custom Dashboard Properties
You can add this widget to your custom dashboards by specifying the following properties in the dashboard definition JSON file (see Custom Dashboard Templates for details):
"name": "Portfolio.Quality_Status" "type": "native", "uuid": "12c53f03-1ff6-4072-ba9f-ca7586cb1e31"
Quality Status
This widget shows the overall code quality status for the target build. It uses the following metrics to determine the status:
- Number of severity 1 vioations
- Number of failed tests
- Level of code coverage
You can define your quality policy by configuring the thresholds for each metric. A question mark will appear if the target build does not have data for a metric.
Widget Configuration
You can configure the following settings.
Title | Enter a new title to replace the default title that appears on the dashboard. |
Filter | Choose Dashboard Settings to use the dashboard filter or choose a filter from the drop-down menu. |
Target Build | Choose a build from the drop-down menu. Only the data for this build will appear in the widget. |
Coverage Image | Choose a coverage image from the drop-down menu. This is required in order to show coverage data in the widget. See Associating Coverage Images with Filters. |
Sev 1 Violations Threshold | Specify the maximum number of severity 1 violations allowed. If the number of violations reported exceeds the value in this setting, the quality status will be set to Fail. The default threshold is |
Failed Tests Threshold | Specify the maximum number of test failures allowed. If the number of test failures exceeds the value in this setting, the quality status will be set to Fail. The default threshold is |
Coverage Threshold | Specify the minimum percent of coverage that is acceptable. If the reported coverage is lower than the specified value, the quality status will be set to Fail. The default threshold is |
Each metric opens its associated explorer view:
- Click Sev 1 Violations metric to view the build data in the Violations Explorer.
- Click the Failed Tests metric to view the build data in the Test Explorer.
- Click the Coverage metric to view the build data in the Coverage Explorer.
Custom Dashboard Properties
You can add this widget to your custom dashboards by specifying the following properties in the dashboard definition JSON file (see Custom Dashboard Templates for details):
"name": "Quality_Status" "type": "native", "uuid": "4181248e-95fc-421c-88b1-7e6423199177"