- RealView Development Suite 3.0, 3.1, 4.0, or 4.1 Eclipse-based IDE.
Windows Installation
To install the C++test Eclipse plugin into RVDS on Windows:
- Run the C++test plugin installation executable.
- Choose the setup language.
- Click Yes when a dialog asks whether you want to install C++test.
- Click Yes after you have read and agreed with the license information.
- Choose the ARM Workbench IDE for RVDS 3.0, 3.1, 4.0, 4.1 as the plugin base IDE, then click Next.
- Enter your RVDS installation directory, then click OK. The typical installation location is
c:\\Program Files\\ARM
. - Enter the desired destination directory for the C++test Extension files, then click Next.
- Close RVDS if it is open, then click OK to close the dialog reminding you to close this program. C++test will then start copying files and installing the necessary files into the workbench. A dia-log box with a progress indicator will open and indicate installation progress. When the installation is complete, a notification dialog box will open.
- Click the OK button to close the notification dialog box.
During the installation process, C++test will try to create a link file in ARM’s embedded Eclipse. This file will contain the path to the C++test installation directory.
- For RVDS 3.x, the file will be located at <RVDS Installation Root>/IDEs/Eclipse/Distribution/ 1.1/32/win_32-pentium/eclipse/links/
- For RVDS 4.x, it will be located at <RVDS Installation Root>/ARM Workbench IDE 4.x/links/
This is the only change that the C++test installation makes inside the RVDS distribution.
After the plugin is successfully installed, you can start RVDS (with the C++test plugin installed) by launching it in the usual manner.
A C++test perspective will be available. It can be opened by choosing Window> Open Perspective> Other, then selecting the C++test perspective.
For licensing:
- Choose Parasoft> Preferences.
- Expand Parasoft> License in the left pane.
- For machine-locked licenses:
- Contact Parasoft with your Machine ID.
- Enter your license expiration code and password in the Local License section of the License preferences page.
- For LicenseServer licenses:
- Select the Use LicenseServer option. The LicenseServer section of the License preferences page will become active.
- If the appropriate LicenseServer is not already set, select it from the Autodetected servers list and click Set. Or, manually enter your organization’s LicenseServer host (either a name or an IP address) in the Host name field, then enter your organization’s LicenseServer port in the Port number field.
- Indicate the license type that you want to use by selecting the appropriate option in the Edition box.
- Click Apply. The licensed options will be highlighted.
To uninstall the C++test RVDS plugin:
- Use the Control Panel’s Add or Remove Program functionality—or run the Windows C++test installation executable and select the Remove option.
Do not uninstall the C++test plugin by removing the file If you do this, you will still need to manually remove the C++test installation, and the Windows registry’s Install Shield information will remain.