In this section:
Hierarchical data sets are added to TDA when transactions are recorded and added to the database during testing. You can also use the Data Repository Tool to manually import data directly into your repositories. The TDA interface enables you to review and modify the data so that it can be used across testing scenarios.
See About the Data Repository for definitions of terms used in this section.
The main application toolbar contains functionality associated with the data repository, but additional functionality may appear in the toolbar depending on the current view.
You can perform the following actions in the main toolbar.
Click on a repository in the Data tab to open the data repository view.
You can perform the following actions in the data repository view.
Manually Create a Data Set
The data set will be added to the repository page. See Add and Modify Data for next steps. Download Data Sets and Record TypesYou can download the data set or record type as a JSON file.
Delete Data Sets and Record TypesChoose Delete from the ellipses menu and confirm that you want to remove the data set or record type when prompted. If the data set contains record types that do not reference or are not referenced by another component, you can enable the Delete orphaned record types option to ensure that the data set is completely removed. This option does not apply to record types. Open the Data Record ViewClick on a data set in the Data Sets column to open the Data Record View. |
The data record view is the interface for modifying data. Click on a data set from the data repository view to access records.
You can perform the following actions.
Use the Data Sets Toolbar
Add and Delete Rows and ColumnsClick on the ellipsis menu in the data set header to add key columns, value columns, and to add first and last rows. New value columns are always added to the end of the table. Click on the column actions menu to rename or delete the column. You can also sort how the data is presented by key column values. Sorting does not affect the structure of the data. Click the row actions menu to add an inline row, duplicate the data row, or delete the row. You can expand rows to view the data in the JSON viewer. View Null and Exclude Fields
If a primitive field was configured to be set to null/exclude, it is represented as If a record list field is set to null/exclude, it is presented as an array of one item with the value If you want to set a field to null or exclude (so it will not appear in the message when an element is populated from this data source), use Modify DataYou can modify values and change the structure of the data set. Click the pencil icon to enable editing.
Editable values will become active. You can edit data key values in the table and primitive values in the JSON view editor. Click the Modify Structure button to make changes to the structure of the data. You can perform the following actions when Modify Structure is enabled:
Click Save when finished. |
Only CSV and CSV-formatted files are currently supported for import.
(Optional) Configure how the data is imported. Click in a field in the File options and choose from the available settings. Enable the Trim spaces option to remove extraneous spaces from the data. You can designate a field as a key, value, or both. Keys enable message responders to find the correct row of data to construct responses.