Upgrading from PIE 1.x to newer versions of Extension Designer requires a manual migration for its database and flows.

The following table describes node changes (see Working with Nodes for additional information):

PIE nodeExtension Designer nodeTypeDescription

EndpointNew in 5.3.2

This node exposes a service endpoint that encapsulates all the functionality necessary to create a full-stack web component. The node acts as an "http in" node, but the actual endpoint is abstracted from the user in place of a UUID. Instead the user focuses on choosing, or creating, the front end UI component that should be tied to the endpoint, as well as implementing the flow that will generate the data to drive the component. This abstracts the integration details away from the user and allows them to focus solely on the business logic.


  • DTP Custom Widget: The node is used in this widget to automatically deploy to the DTP dashboard.
  • DTP Custom Report: The node is used in custom widgets that drill down into a DTP report or custom report. See Risky Code Changes for an example.
  • Policy Center Practice: The node is used to enable Policy Center practices.
  • General: The node can be used as a general REST API endpoint for third-party integration, CLI calls to export data, etc.

PIE Event In

PIE Event Out


Event In

Event Out

Updated in 5.3.2

These event nodes have been replaced with the Event In and Event out nodes. 

The Event In/Out nodes connect to Extension Designer’s own MQTT Event Broker and manage events between services or external components. It also subscribes to DTP’s event broker at startup, so you don’t need a separate DTP connection for subscribing to a DTP Event.

With architectural changes, internal PIE events are all replaced with custom events in the Extension Designer Event Broker.

Any DTP events can be used with the “DTP” group. Please refer to node info documentation for more information.

See Subscribing To DTP Events for details about DTP events.

Built-in PIE Events are no longer available. New and fixed violation event are deployable from the Extension Designer menu by choosing Import> Library> Common> Violation Events. Starting with DTP 5.3.0, the recurring violation event is no longer supported as a result of updates to the API.

PC REST APINew in 5.3.2This node is used by Policy Center Practices (such as Policy Center Practice - Code Coverage) to enable interaction with Policy Center via the Policy Center REST API.
Model SettingsProfile SearchUpdated in 5.3.2

The Profile Search node replaces Model Settings node. The properties did not change, but importing old flows from PIE Slice Designer (version 1.x) will cause an error.

Re-configure any flows that use the Model Settings node to use the Profile Search node.

Project Filter

Violation Filter

Violation Grouper

Removed in 5.3.2

These nodes are compatible with the DTP REST API version 1.1 and older. Static analysis payloads have been updated in version 1.2 and are no longer compatible with this node.

To filter your static analysis payload, you can use the lodash library in the function node. See The Function Node for additional information about the lodash library. See How to Update Violations Metadata for an example of lodash usage.

Prioritization View

Test Case Metadata

Removed in 5.3.2

These nodes are only compatible with the DTP REST API version 1.2 or older.

See the REST API documentation for additional information.

For additional information on how to set metadata, choose Import> Library> Examples> Static Analysis Prioritization or Dynamic Analysis Metadata and view the documentation.

PIE MailMailUpdated in 5.3.2The PIE Email node did not perform validation on the recipient argument passed to it, and would thus allow users to send emails to multiple recipients through a semicolon separated list. In 5.3.2, we perform validations on recipients and do not allow multiple recipients to be passed into the Mail node.