This topic explains how to create JMS, XPath, SOAP Header, and Database, properties in SOAtest and Virtualize that can be shared and referenced globally across a test or action suite. This section includes:
When creating a large test suite with multiple tools, there may be instances where some tools (i.e. SOAP Client, Messaging Client, and Call Back Tool) will use the same JMS Connection Properties.You might want multiple tools to use the same JMS Connection Properties.Rather than manually entering the same information into each tool or copying and pasting settings between tools, it may be easier to create JMS settings that each tool can reference. In this case, you can create global JMS Connection Properties at the test or action suite level.
To create global JMS Properties, complete the following:
Select the desired node and click the Add Property button.
The Add Global wizard displays.
Click the Add Property to All button. If you don’t click this button, the global properties you add will be ignored by the tools in the suite.
If Use Shared Property Only is selected from the drop-down list, the corresponding tools in the suite will be able to only use the global property you added and any properties configured within the individual tool.
After specifying the global JMS Connection Properties, you can share these properties across multiple instances of these SOAtest tools. |
As with global JMS properties, there may be instances when you have multiple Diff tools that use the same XPath settings.You might want multiple Diff tools to use the same XPath settings.Rather than manually entering the same information into each Diff tool or copying and pasting settings between Diff tools, it may be easier to create XPath settings that each Diff tool can reference. In this case, you can create global XPath Properties at the action or test suite level.
To create a global list of ignored XPaths, complete the following:
Select the desired suite node and click the Add Property button.
The Add Global wizard displays.
Click the Add Property to All button (if you don’t click this button, the global properties you add will be ignored by the tools in the suite). Depending on what you select from the drop-down list, one of the following will occur:
If Use Shared Property Only is selected from the drop-down list, the corresponding tools in the suite will be able to only use the global property you added.
If Use Local and Shared Properties is selected from the drop-down list, the corresponding tools in the suite will be able to use the global property you added and any properties configured within the individual tool itself.
Using the Ignored XPath setting dialog that opens when you double-click in the XPath column, specify an XPath position. The XPath you enter can be shared by multiple diff tools within the suite. If you want to ignore more than one attribute at an element’s XPath location, leave the attribute name empty or use the wild card * (e.g. myAttribute*).
When creating a large test suite with multiple tools, there may be instances where SOAP Client tests will use the same SOAP Header Properties.You might want multiple tools to use the same SOAP Header Properties.Rather than manually entering the same information into each tool or copying and pasting settings between tools, it may be easier to create SOAP Headers that each tool can reference. In this case, you can create global SOAP Header Properties at the test or action suite level.
To create a global SOAP Header, complete the following:
Select the desired suite node and click the Add Property button.
The Add Global wizard displays.
Click the Add Property to All button (if you don’t click this button, the global properties you add will be ignored by the tools in the suite). Depending on what you select from the drop-down list, one of the following will occur:
If Use Shared Property Only is selected from the drop-down list, the corresponding tools in the suite will only be able to use the global property you added.
If Use Local and Shared Properties is selected from the drop-down list, the corresponding tools in the suite set will be able to use the global property you added and any properties configured within the individual tool itself.
Click the Add button. The Choose Header Type dialog displays.
Configure the SOAP Header parameters as needed. For more information on each SOAP Header, see Adding SOAP Headers in SOAtest.
When creating a large test suite with multiple tools, there may be instances where DB tools will use the same Database Properties.You might want multiple tools to use the same Database Properties.Rather than manually entering the same information into each tool or copying and pasting settings between tools, it may be easier to create a Database Account that each tool can reference. In this case, you can create global Database Account Properties at the suite level.
To create a global Database Account, complete the following:
Select the desired suite and click the Add Property button.
The Add Global wizard displays.
Click the Add Property to All button (if you don’t click this button, the global properties you add will be ignored by the tools in the suite). Depending on what you select from the drop-down list, one of the following will occur:
If Use Shared Property Only is selected from the drop-down list, the corresponding tools in the suite will be able to only use the global property you added.
If Use Local and Shared Properties is selected from the drop-down list, the corresponding tools in the Action suite will be able to use the global property you added and any properties configured within the individual tool itself.
To export these values to a file, click Export Configuration Settings. Once the values are exported to a file, you can import the file through the File> Input File control (described above). This way, you won’t have to re-type the same values if you want to add this same account to a different suite.
Note that exported properties files contain the following properties:
For example:
url=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/parabank username=sa
Key Stores contain the necessary certificates and private keys needed to perform secure Web service through means such as server/client authentication, XML encryption, and XML digital signatures. The values you specify in a Key Store will be available to use with the SOAP Client, XML Encryption, and XML Signer tools.
The SOAP Client Tool can use a Key Store certificate to complete the handshake with a server. The XML Encryption Tool can use a Key Store certificate to encrypt XML documents, and the XML Signer tool can use a Key Store certificate and private key to sign and verify your identity in an XML document.
Important: In order to use Key Stores, you will need to download and install the Unlimited Strength Java Cryptography Extension. For details, see JCE Prerequisite.
To add a key store
If you expect to use certain specialized tools (for example a particular XSLT tool or a “chained” tool that operates on a request or response, then sends its output to additional tools, which can send their out-put to additional tools, and so on) only within the context of the current test suite, you can add them to the test suite tool repository, then add them to the test suite without recreating them each time. (If you plan to use a specialized tool for multiple test suites, you should add it to the program via the Tools panel available when you choose Tools> Customize.
To add a tool to a test suite’s tools repository:
To use a repository tool in a test, select it from the Existing Tools list that is available when you add a test or output.
One of the biggest aspects of web services is interoperability. web services rely on a standardized interface to declare what requirements must be met in order for a service consumer to interact with a service provider. The basic WSDL specification does not have the capacity to declare complex client-side requirements. To accommodate for this, WSDL is extended with WS-Policy and WS-PolicyAttachment, allowing a service provider to define additional requirements within the WSDL. WS-Policy leaves it up to other WS-* specifications to define their own set of policies. One such specification is WS-SecurityPolicy which defines policies related to WS-Security.
When reading a WSDL with SecurityPolicy extensions, SOAtest automatically generates the test cases with all the necessary policy related configurations. There are some attributes of the test case that still require manual configuration, but SOAtest will automatically set up the foundation.
WS-Policy is a lightweight specification. It delegates policy design to the WS-* specifications; in addition, there is a large set of proprietary policies. Since the WS-* space is large, SOAtest only sup-ports WS-SecurityPolicy assertions but will continue to extend the processor to handle other common assertion sets. |
To add a global WS-Policy Bank, complete the following: