In this section:


You can connect CTP component instances to application coverage agents as part of the Parasoft Application Coverage solution. After doing so, notifications regarding coverage agent connectivity will be displayed on the environment diagram in CTP. For complete information about using the Application Coverage solution, refer to the Collecting Coverage for Web Applications guide.

Be aware that the number of coverage agents you can have connected to CTP is determined by your license. See Installing and Running CTP for more information about your license and how many coverage agents it allows. If you need to remove coverage agents from a component instance, see Removing a Coverage Agent from a Component.

Before you can connect a CTP component to a coverage agent, you need to configure the application under test (AUT) using Parasoft dotTEST or Jtest (the recommended method), or one of the command line coverage tools shipped with SOAtest or CTP that you can use to analyze application binaries if you don't have access to the project's source code. For more information about configuring the AUT using dotTEST or Jtest, see the documentation for those tools at For more information about using the command line coverage tools that ship with SOAtest or CTP, see Application Coverage. The coverage tools shipped with CTP can be found in <TOMCAT-DIR>\webapps\em\coverage.

Once CTP has been connected to a coverage agent, data is published to DTP using the REST API. You can even publish test data from non-Parasoft testing frameworks using the REST API. You can then use the REST API to define a baseline build and query Test Impact Analysis using DTP data in CTP and take advantage of CTP's ability to aggregate impacted tests across multiple DTP projects within an environment. Go to Help (question mark icon) > API Documentation or open a browser window to http://<HOST>/em/apidoc and scroll down to the "Coverage" section to use the REST API.

If one of your CTP components is collecting .NET coverage, the dotTEST coverage agent must be running on Windows.

Connecting a CTP Component to a Coverage Agent

To connect a CTP component to a coverage agent:

  1. Either create a new Component Instance for the desired component or edit an existing one. For more information, see Adding Component Instances or Modifying a Component Instance's Settings.
  2. With component instances that are connected to a coverage agent, it is recommended that you include the coverage agent as part of the Name and/or Description.
  3. Click Coverage and enter the following:
  4. Click Finish.

Removing a Coverage Agent from a Component

When a component has a coverage agent connected to it, a small icon will appear in the environment diagram.

To remove the coverage agent, you can do either of the following: