
  • Apache Tomcat 8.5 or 9.0 must be installed and running.
  • Core CTP functionality is backwards compatible with Virtualize and/or SOAtest 9.10.0 or higher, but some tools and features require the latest version of Virtualize/SOAtest. 


  1. If you have not already done so, extract CTP from the download:
    unzip em_<VERSION>.zip
  2. Copy em.war to the <TOMCAT_INSTALLATION>/webapps directory.

In a few moments, you should see an em folder appear under <TOMCAT_INSTALLATION>/webapps. This is CTP; it has been automatically deployed by Tomcat.

Using a separately-installed, MySQL or Oracle database?

If you are using a separately installed MySQL or Oracle database (rather than the embedded HyperSQL database), you must setup the database before proceeding. See Setting Up the Database (MySQL or Oracle) for details.

Starting CTP for the First Time

Open a browser tab and navigate to the host and port where CTP is deployed. You will be prompted to specify the following initial settings.

Parasoft EULA and Usage Data 

When you first start CTP, you will be prompted to accept the End User License Agreement and either enable or opt out of anonymous usage data collection.

You can change this configuration later by choosing Usage Data from the CTP Administration menu:

Configuring the License

  1. Open a web browser and point it to http://<HOSTNAME>:8080/em, where <HOSTNAME> is the machine name or IP address where Tomcat/CTP is installed.

    • If you need to reach this page later, you can choose License Configuration from the CTP settings (gear icon) menu. 

  2. Specify the license configuration when prompted.

    • If you are using a local license:

      1. Enable Local as the license type.

      2. Copy and paste the license password sent to you by your Parasoft representative into the Password field.
    • If you are using a network license:
      1. Enable Network as the license type.
      2. Specify the URL (including host and port) and login credentials of the License Server or DTP that will serve a license to your instance of CTP. We recommend using the built-in admin account, as opposed to an individual user's personal account, to authenticate against the server.

        If you do not already have an appropriate license available on your Parasoft License Server, email [email protected] with the Machine ID to obtain a license key you can add to your License Server or a password for a machine-locked local license.
  3. Click Save.

About License Features

Each license will enable one or more of the following features:

  • API Testing: Enables the API Testing module and makes test scenarios available within the Environment Manager module.
  • Environment Management: Enables the Environment Manager module.
  • Service Virtualization: Enables the Service Virtualization module and makes virtual assets, proxies, and provisioning actions available within the Environment Manager module.
  • Data Management: Enables the Test Data Assistant module and makes repositories available throughout CTP.
  • Data Modeling: Enables test data modeling functionality, such as test data visualization, sophisticated test data generation, and test data masking for sensitive information.

It will also define certain limits on the usage of CTP:

  • Coverage tier: Determines the number of coverage agents allowed. See Connecting CTP to Coverage Agents for more information about coverage agents. The available tiers allow the following number of coverage agents:
    • Coverage Tier 1: 5 agents
    • Coverage Tier 2: 25 agents
    • Coverage Tier 3: 150 agents
    • Coverage Tier 4: 500 agents
    • Coverage Tier 5: unlimited agents
  • User limit: Determines the number of active user accounts allowed on CTP. See Reviewing and Modifying Configuration Settings for information about deactivating inactive accounts.

Installing New License Keys

If you need to add new license keys and your License Server is on the same host as CTP, you can do it directly from CTP.

  1. Choose License Configuration from the CTP settings (gear icon) menu.
  2. Copy your license key (provided by your Parasoft representative) into the Add New License field and click Add License.

Once the key is processed, it will be added to the list in the Installed Licenses area. If you don’t see the Add New License field, verify that the network license’s Host name field is set to localhost .

Configuring the Database Connection

If this is a new installation, you will be prompted to validate the data base configuration. If you installed MySQL on the same machine as CTP, the default settings should already be correct, but you can modify the settings as needed.

  1. Click Test Connection to verify that the settings are correct. See HyperSQL Notes and JDBC Driver Notes for information about configuring HyperSQL and JDBC Drivers, respectively.
  2. (Optional) Configure user settings as described in Defining Users and Permissions.   

You can now create systems, components, and instances, as well as link your Virtualize Server to CTP. 

HyperSQL Notes

If you are using the embedded HyperSQL database (rather than a separately installed MySQL or Oracle database):

  1. Choose HyperSQL as the Type.
  2. Enter the path to where the database files should be saved on the host that runs Apache Tomcat. Prepend a forward slash ‘/’ to make the path absolute in the file system.  
  3. If the database files do not yet exist, click Create Database to create a complete HyperSQL database.

JDBC Driver Notes

CTP does not ship with JDBC driver libraries for MySQL or Oracle. The Database Configuration page will instruct you to copy a JDBC connector jar file to the WEB-INF/lib/ folder on the application server.

For example, with MySQL download mysql-connector-java-<VERSION>.jar from and copy it to the C:\Program Files\Apache\Tomcat\<VERSION>\webapps\em\WEB-INF\lib folder.

For Oracle databases, copy the ojdbc jar from to the same WEB-INF/lib/ folder.

Configuring CTP Session Timeout

By default, CTP times out after 120 minutes. You can easily change the timeout to something that suites your needs.

To change the CTP timeout duration:

  1. Open the web.xml file located in the tomcat/webapps/em/WEB-INF/ directory and find the <session-timeout> XML element.

  2. Change the current value of the <session-timeout> XML element. The timeout is measured in minutes.
  3. Save the web.xml file and restart Tomcat.
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