During normal operation, DTP writes activity messages to several log files stored in the <DTP_HOME>/logs directory. To verify that everything is working correctly or find the detailed messages of potential issues, you can refer to information stored in the relevant logs.
Log | Content |
rs.log | Contains the main log information from the server. |
dc.log | Contains information from Data Collector associated with processing reports sent to DTP from Parasoft 9.x tools. It includes timestamps, originating IP addresses for the report, and start and finish times when the report was stored to the database. |
dc_dtp.log | Contains information from Data Collector associated with processing reports sent to DTP from DTP Engines 10.x. It includes timestamps, originating IP addresses for the report, and start and finish times when the report was stored to the database. |
api-access.log | Contains all log information associated with REST API requests made to DTP. |
app_info.log | Contains the version build number (also available from the About menu). |
axis.log | Contains log information associated with SOAP API requests made to DTP. |
conf_update.log | Internal log with log information about the update from the old version to the new one in cases when the /config/*.xml structure is updated. |
dashboard.log | Internal log that contains information about diagnostic events associated with creating Report Center dashboard templates. |
dataCollector-service.log | Contains information associated with Data Collector REST API calls to DTP. |
db_update.log | Internal log with log information about the update from the old version to the new one in cases when the Report Center database schema is updated. |
dc.stderr | (stderr of Data Collector) Contains Data Collector uncaught errors. It should be empty. |
dc.stdout | (stdout of Data Collector) Typically empty. All information from DC running is in dc.log. |
dtpconsole-db.log | Contains information from the DTP console about database creation processes. |
jms.log | Contains all events published to the JMS events broker. See Subscribing To DTP Events for more information. |
ls.log | License Server log file. |
ls_access.log | Contains the list of license requests that Parasoft tools send to License Server. The information from this log is sent to the Data Collector each night. The data is presented in Report Center’s "Tools Usage" report. |
mailing.log | Contains diagnostic events associated with emails sent by DTP. |
pst.log | General DTP log. |
pstsec.log | Contains information from User Administration. |
rs.log.NN | (N can be equal to 1 through 10) Archived versions of rs.log. |
tcm.log | Contains information from Team Server. |
tcm_access.log | Contains information associated with calls to the Team Server API from DTP Engines. |
widget.log | Internal log that contains information about diagnostic events associated with creating Report Center dashboard widgets. |