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About License Server

License Server enables you to manage floating licenses for SOAtest, Virtualize, and CTP. License Server is usually installed as part of a Parasoft DTP deployment, but the standalone version of the application ships with CTP if DTP is not deployed in your organization. The standalone License Server ships as a .war file that you can deploy into new or existing Tomcat servers. 

For details on adding licenses, see the CTP installation section

Do I need the Parasoft License Server Web Application?

The Parasoft License Server web application is only needed if:

  • You want to use License Server to manage floating licenses for Parasoft SOAtest and Parasoft Virtualize, and
  • Parasoft DTP will not be deployed within the organization


  • The PSTSec database must be running and may require that the -Xmx parameter be changed to 1024m (see Installing Parasoft User Administration).
  • Linux or Windows (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Tomcat 8.5
  • CTP 3.x or later
  • Java 8
  • The Java_JRE variable must be set (required by the Tomcat server)

License Server Installation and Configuration

  1. Start the Tomcat server and copy licenseserver.war file into the <tomcat installation>/webapps folder.
  2. In a browser, go to http://<host>:8080/licenseserver.

  3. Log into License Server using the default username and password for Parasoft User Administration (admin/admin). If PSTSec is on a different server than the machine hosting License Server, see Connecting to Parasoft User Administration in order to log in. 
  4. Enter the licensing information provided by your Parasoft representative for each product you want to manage with License Server:
    1. Enter the Expiration date of your license. 
    2. Copy and paste the license code in the Password field or copy and paste the entire license password line as it was sent to you in the open text field.
    3. Click Set license.

Connecting to Parasoft User Administration

You will need to manually configure License Server to connect to User Administration (PSTSec) if User Administration is deployed to a different Tomcat server than the current CTP installation or if the Tomcat server is not running on port 8080.

  1. Open the PSTSecConfig.xml configuration file located in the /LicenseServer/conf/ directory and set the host and port for the user administration service, for example:

  2. Restart Tomcat.

Starting Standalone License Server on a Cloud-based VM

If you are deploying the standalone License Server in Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, or another cloud service provider, the machine ID may change as the VM is shut down and restarted. Pass the –Dparasoft.cloudvm=true parameter to the Tomcat params to ensure that machine IDs remain stable when VMs are restarted on cloud platforms:

set "CATALINA_OPTS=-Dparasoft.cloudvm=true"

HASP Key Support

You can install Parasoft software on different machines and use a USB HASP Key to provide a machine ID when connecting to License Server. The USB dongle provides a stable machine ID for License Server so that the rest of the hardware can be changed without needing to request new licenses from Parasoft. Contact your Parasoft representative for additional information. 

Enabling HASP Key on Windows

  1. Stop Tomcat Server.
  2. Open PSTRootConfig.xml configuration file located in the[TOMCAT_HOME]/ LicenseServer/conf directory.
  3. Add the following entry in the <root-config> node and save the configuration file:
  4. Plug the USB HASP key into your machine and wait for the drivers to install.
  5. Start Tomcat Server.

When the USB HASP key is removed, the machine ID will revert to the original ID. As a result, License Server will no longer provide licenses.

Enabling HASP Key on Linux

  1. Stop Tomcat Server.
  2. Open PSTRootConfig.xml configuration file located in the [TOMCAT_HOME]/ LicenseServer/conf directory. 
  3. Add the following entry in the <root-config> node and save the configuration file:
  4. Locate the udev.rules file responsible for USB devices and modify the usb_device entry to use MODE="0666"
  5. Execute the following command:
    udevadm control --reload-rules 
  6. Plug the USB HASP key into your machine. If the USB HASP key is already plugged in, run the following command as the root user to programmatically insert key:
    udevadm trigger 
    Alternatively, you can restart the operating system. 
  7. Start Tomcat Server 

When the USB HASP key is removed, the machine ID will revert to the original ID. As a result, License Server will no longer provide licenses.

Using License Server

See the latest Parasoft DTP documentation for details on License Server usage and functionality:

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