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During normal operation, DTP writes activity messages to several log files stored in the <DTP_HOME>/logs directory. To verify that everything is working correctly or find the detailed messages of potential issues, you can refer to information stored in the relevant logs.

The following table lists the most important logs and the content that each contains:

rs.logContains the main log information from the server.
recalculators.logContains log information from Report Center background jobs that run. It contains information such as: when each background job is scheduled for a future run, logs from past runs of jobs, and finishing status of each job.
dc.logContains log information from Data Collector. In particular, it contains information about time, IP number from where Data Collector received a report, the start and finish times when the report was stored to the database.

The following table lists additional logs and the content that each contains:


analyze.logContains log information from the JobAnalyzeBase background job. This job is run periodically, once a week, and is responsible for taking care of Report Center database tables. It runs an analysis table database command in order to refresh statistical information for each Report Center database table.
analyzeold.logStores a copy of analyse.log from the previous JobAnalyzeBase run.
app_info.logSmall text file that contains the version build number, which is also available from the About menu.
bts_scanner.logContains log information from BTS/RMS Scanners, which scan external Bug Tracking Systems and Requirements Management Systems. The scanners are configured in DTP_HOME/grs/config/bts and run periodically in the background. See "Integrating with Requirements and Bug Tracking Systems" in the Legacy 9.x Functionality guide for more information.
codereview.logInternal log of the Team Server plugin for Code Review. Report Center uses it to receive data about Code Review from Team Server.
conf_update.logInternal log with log information about the update from the old version to the new one in cases when the /config/*.xml structure is updated.
cr_service.logContains logs from Code Review module, which is a server for Code Review clients in Parasoft Test on client machines.
db_update.logInternal log with log information about the update from the old version to the new one in cases when the Report Center database schema is updated.
dc.stderr(stderr of Data Collector) Contains Data Collector uncaught errors. It should be empty.

(stdout of Data Collector) Typically empty. All information from DC running is in dc.log.

jms.logContains all events published to the JMS events broker. See Subscribing To Development Testing Platform Events for more information.
ls.logLicense Server log file.

Contains the list of license requests that Parasoft tools send to License Server. The information from this log is sent to the Data Collector each night. The data is presented in Report Center’s "Tools Usage" report.

pst.logGeneral DTP log.
pstsec.logContains logs from User Administration.

(N can be equal to 1 through 10) Archived versions of recalculators.log. When recalculators.log reaches 50MB, it is moved to recalculators.log.1, and then the recalculators.log is cleaned. Up to 10 archives are created and stored. Beyond that, log information is not stored.

rs.log.NN(N can be equal to 1 through 10) Archived versions of rs.log.
tcm.logContains logs from Team Server.
tomcat.logMain log from Apache Tomcat.
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