eVC projects are not directly testable through an IDE plugin. You need to import project's settings to a new C++test project.

Support Overview

C++test supports Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 projects. This includes compilers support for x86, ARM,  MIPS and Hitachi SuperH architectures from Microsoft Standard SDK for Windows CE 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 and 5.0. C++test provides a wizard for automatic import of eMbedded Visual Studio projects.

Microsoft eMbedded Visual 4.0 projects that are configured to be built with makefiles (without IDE build support) can also be tested. For details, see Creating a C++test Project Using an Existing Build System.

For Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 embedded projects, please use the Parasoft C++test Visual Studio plug-in.


To allow testing with Windows CE compilers, you must have the following environment variables set prior to launching C++test:

  • PATH: Path to the to the eMbedded Visual C++ compilers and tools needed for compilation (for example linker).
  • INCLUDE: Path to the header files from chosen SDK.
  • LIB: Path to the libs from chosen SDK.

To facilitate setting this environment variables, you can use *.bat files provided by Microsoft eMbedded Visual Studio. For example, to set up the environment for the x86 target using Windows CE 4.0 SDK, you can use EVC\WCE400\BIN\WCEx86.BAT file from your eMbedded Visual Studio installation directory as follows:

  1. Edit the chosen bat file, check if the default settings for the PLATFORM, OSVERSION, WCEROOT and SDKROOT macros are valid for your environment, and modify them if needed.
  2. Open the Windows command line window and run the bat file.
  3. Run C++test from the same command line window.

For static analysis, setting the environment is sufficient. For unit testing, you may need to install additional tools (Microsoft Device Emulator, Microsoft Device Emulator Manager, Microsoft ActiveSync) depending on the desired unit testing setup.

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