In this section:
This tool checks whether JSON requests and responses are well-formed. The tool can also validate JSON payloads against schema definitions. The tool validates against the RFC 4627 version of the JSON standard.
Attaching a JSON Validator to Existing Tools
You can attach a JSON Validator tool to PVA responders or other tools that exchange data in JSON format.
- Right-click on a tool and choose Add Output...
Select the traffic option you want to validate and choose JSON Validator.
- Click Finish and enable either the Validate against schema or Check well-formedness only option in the Tool Settings section.
- If you are validating that the JSON is well-formed, click Save to finish adding your tool. If you are using the tool to validate against a schema, configure the following options and click Save.
- Choose a type of service definition. OpenAPI/Swagger, RAML, and JSON Schema are supported.
Provide the URL to the definition file.
Choose a service definition message. This field will be pre-populated based on the responder to which it's attached.
When the client executes, an error will be reported if one or more of the following conditions apply:
- JSON payload is malformed
- JSON is not included in the payload