The following table describes the dashboard templates that ship with DTP. Depending on your license, you may not have access to all built-in templates. See Upgrading DTP from Standard to Enterprise Edition.

Default Dashboard

Includes the following widgets:

Static Analysis

Includes the following widgets:

Testing Dashboard

Includes the following widgets:


Includes the following widgets:

  • Instances of the Metrics - Summary widget configured to show the following metrics: Comment/Logical Lines in Files, Number of Files, Maintainability Index, and Halstead Difficulty.
  • Instances of the Metrics - Top 5 Table widget configured to show metrics that about the size, complexity, and structural of the code.
  • Instances of the Metrics - Trend widget configured to show the following metrics: Logical Lines in Files, McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity, Maintainability Index, and Halstead Difficulty.
  • An instance of the the Metrics - Top 10 Tree Map configured to show the McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity metric.
Diagnostics Dashboard

Includes the following widgets:

  • No labels