In this section: 

Files - Changed

This widget shows the number of modified files between a selected baseline build and target build.

Widget Configuration

TitleEnter a new title to replace the default title that appears in the dashboard.
FilterChoose Dashboard Settings to use the dashboard filter or choose a filter from the menu.
PeriodChoose Dashboard Settings to use the dashboard date range or choose a period from the menu.
Baseline BuildChoose a build from the menu with which the target build will be compared. See DTP Concepts for additional information about builds.
Target BuildChoose a build from the menu to compare with the baseline build. See DTP Concepts for additional information about builds.


Click on the widget to open the Change Explorer view, which provides additional information about what has changed between the selected builds. See Change Explorer.

Custom Dashboard Properties

You can add this widget to your custom dashboards by specifying the following properties in the dashboard definition JSON file (see Custom Dashboard Templates for details): 

"name": "changed_files",
"type": "native",
"uuid": "32e569ec-64b8-11e6-8b77-86f30ca893d3"

Review Findings - Summary

This widget shows the summary of review findings for a specific filter and review combination. A "review finding" is an annotation that has been manually added to source code during a "review." Reviews are individual annotation sessions performed in the Change Explorer for a specific baseline and target build. Review findings should not be confused with the findings associated with code analysis.

This widget requires a DTP Enterprise license.

Contact your Parasoft representative for additional information.

Widget Configuration

TitleEnter a new title to replace the default title that appears in the dashboard.
FilterChoose Dashboard Settings to use the dashboard filter or choose a filter from the menu.
ReviewEach review session is assigned a unique ID. You can choose All to get a count of all review findings in the filter or choose a specific review ID from the menu.

Review findings are "opened" when they are added in the review session. They remain in the Open status until a reviewer changes it to either In Progress or Closed. You can choose to include all review findings or only review findings that match the status selected from the menu.


Click on the widget to open the Review Findings Report.

Custom Dashboard Properties

You can add this widget to your custom dashboards by specifying the following properties in the dashboard definition JSON file (see Custom Dashboard Templates for details): 


Reviews - Summary

This widget shows how many reviews are associated with the selected filter. See Review Findings - Summary for a definition of reviews.

This widget requires a DTP Enterprise license.

Contact your Parasoft representative for additional information.

Widget Configuration


Enter a new title to replace the default title that appears in the dashboard.


Choose Dashboard Settings to use the dashboard filter or choose a filter from the menu.


Review findings are "opened" when they are added in the review session. They remain in the Open status until a reviewer changes it to either In Progress or Closed. You can choose to include all review findings or only review findings that match the status selected from the menu.


Click on the widget to open the Reviews Report.

Custom Dashboard Properties

You can add this widget to your custom dashboards by specifying the following properties in the dashboard definition JSON file (see Custom Dashboard Templates for details): 

  • No labels