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This topic provides high-level information about deploying DTP to Docker and cloud environments. In this section:

Architecture Considerations

A DTP deployment consists of the following parts:

  • Database for storing code analysis, coverage, test execution, and other data sent to DTP
  • DTP data directory (<DTP_DATA>) that contains configuration files, extensions, and other dynamic components that determine how DTP runs
  • DTP application directory (<DTP_INSTALL>) that contains the core applications, such as Report Center, Data Collector, etc.  

Whether deploying to traditional or containerized environment, the database is typically installed on a different server or machine than where DTP is installed and is covered by a separate security or high-availability procedure. 

The DTP data directory, however, should be installed in a location where the data can persist outside of the image so that it can be mounted to the container as necessary. Doing so enables you to quickly connect the data directory to new images of the DTP application directory in the event that there is a problem that requires a new instance of DTP to be deployed. Any clones created from the containerized deployment will have different machine IDs and will require a separate license. 

On Windows, the data directory is always located in the %ProgramData%\Parasoft\DTP directory. The Linux installer prompts you to specify a location for the data directory. In both cases, you need to ensure that the directory can be decoupled from an old instance and accessible to the new instance. Refer to the documentation for your environment vendor for instructions on how to mount persistent storage directories to your container or cloud-deployed VM.


Your container images must meet the same requirements specified in the Requirements section. Refer to the Docker or cloud environment vendor documentation for information on configuring images or VMs that meet DTP's requirements. 

Deployment Process

There is no difference between installing DTP on a containerized and a static system. Refer to the New DTP Installations section for information about the installation process. Refer to the documentation for your cloud environment vendor for information about configuring server instances.

Pushing Containers to Cloud Environments

You can deploy containerized instances of DTP to dynamic infrastructure, such as Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure, which enables you to alleviate management overhead associated with maintaining your own host environment. Refer to the documentation for your cloud environment for additional information.

Deploying DTP in Docker

Parasoft has published official Docker images to Docker Hub for your convenience. Full installation instructions are included in the readme with each image. There are two versions available, one with Extension Designer and one without. Follow the link below that best suits your needs:

Deploying DTP in Kubernetes

To deploy DTP in Kubernetes, follow the process outlined below.

Deploying multiple DTP servers in Kubernetes is not supported with this version. Support is limited to a single instance of DTP running in a Kubernetes cluster.


First, you will need a Kubernetes cluster. After starting the cluster, create the namespace, service account, and permissions required by the DTP pod and related resources. An example of a yaml file that might be used to for this purpose is shown below.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: parasoft-namespace
# Stable access for clients to license server
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: parasoft-service
  namespace: parasoft-namespace
    tag: parasoft-service
    - name: https
      port: 443
      protocol: TCP
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: parasoft-account
  namespace: parasoft-namespace
kind: Role
  name: parasoft-namespace-role
  namespace: parasoft-namespace
- apiGroups:
  - "*"
  - "*"
  - "*"
kind: RoleBinding
  name: parasoft-namespace-bind
  namespace: parasoft-namespace
  kind: Role
  name: parasoft-namespace-role
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: parasoft-account
  namespace: parasoft-namespace

Use your yaml file to create the required namespace, service account, and permissions before creating the DTP environment:

kubectl create -f parasoft-permissions.yaml

You should see something similar to the output below in your console:

namespace/parasoft-namespace created
service/parasoft-service created
serviceaccount/parasoft-account created created created

The "parasoft-namespace" namespace defined in the provided configuration is required and we recommend using the "parasoft-permissions.yaml" as it is documented. The service account used by the DTP Pod requires access to the "parasoft-namespace" namespace, therefore if you choose to create a custom permissions configuration that has different names for the resources defined in the provided permissions configuration, then a namespace with the name "parasoft-namespace" must also be created. If this namespace requirement is not met, DTP will treat any license installed as invalid.

Custom Keystore

If you want to set up a custom keystore, you will need to create a configuration map for the ".keystore" and "server.xml" files. The command below creates a configuration map called "keystore-cfgmap" with file mappings for the custom ".keystore" and "server.xml" files. In this example, each file mapping is given a key: "keystore" for the .keystore file and "server-config" for the server.xml file. While giving each file mapping a key is not necessary, it is useful when you don't want the key to be the file name. 

~$ kubectl create configmap keystore-cfgmap --from-file=keystore=/path/to/.keystore --from-file=server-config=/path/to/server.xml
configmap/keystore-cfgmap created

DTP Setup

To set up DTP, create a yaml file that defines a secret (optional), volume, pod, internal-access service, and external-access service (optional). The secret is used to pull the DTP image from the repository. The pod is set up to run the DTP server and Data Collector in separate containers. Each container is configured with a volume to persist data and a liveness probe, which is the Kubernetes equivalent of a Docker Healthcheck. The internal-access service exposes the DTP pod to other pods, allowing them to communicate via the service name instead of an explicit IP address. The external-access service makes DTP and Data Collector accessible via external clients by allocating ports in the node and mapping them to ports in the pod. An example yaml file that might be used for this purpose is shown below. In the example, an NFS volume is used, but this is not required; use whatever volume type fits your needs.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: dtp
  namespace: parasoft-namespace
    app: DTP
    - name: dtp-data
        server: NFS_SERVER_HOST
        path: /dtp/
# Uncomment section below if you are setting up a custom keystore; you will also need to uncomment out the associated volumeMounts below
#   - name: keystore-cfgmap-volume
#     configMap:
#       name: keystore-cfgmap
    - name: dtp-server
      image: DTP_DOCKER_IMAGE
# To inject JVM arguments into the container, specify the "env" property as in the example below, which injects JAVA_CONFIG_ARGS
#     env:
#       - name: JAVA_CONFIG_ARGS
#         value: "-Dparasoft.use.license.v2=true"
      args: ["--run", "dtp"]
      imagePullPolicy: Always
        - name: "http-server"
          containerPort: 8080
        - name: "https-server"
          containerPort: 8443
        - mountPath: "/usr/local/parasoft/data"
          name: dtp-data
# Uncomment section below if you are setting up a custom keystore. Note that updates made to these files will not be reflected inside the container once it's been deployed; you will need to restart the container for it to contain any updates.
#       - name: keystore-cfgmap-volume
#         mountPath: "/usr/local/parasoft/dtp/tomcat/conf/.keystore"
#         subPath: keystore
#       - name: keystore-cfgmap-volume
#         mountPath: "/usr/local/parasoft/dtp/tomcat/conf/server.xml"
#         subPath: server-config
# To prevent liveness probe failures on environments with low or overly taxed RAM/CPU, we recommend increasing the timeout seconds
          - --verify
          - dtp
        initialDelaySeconds: 120
        periodSeconds: 60
        timeoutSeconds: 30
        failureThreshold: 5
    - name: data-collector
      image: DTP_DOCKER_IMAGE
# To inject JVM arguments into the container, specify the "env" property as in the example below, which injects JAVA_DC_CONFIG_ARGS
#     env:
#       - name: JAVA_DC_CONFIG_ARGS
#         value: "-Dcom.parasoft.sdm.dc.traffic.max.length=250000"
      args: ["--run", "datacollector", "--no-copy-data"]
      imagePullPolicy: Always
        - containerPort: 8082
        - mountPath: "/usr/local/parasoft/data"
          name: dtp-data
# To prevent liveness probe failures on environments with low or overly taxed RAM/CPU, we recommend increasing the timeout seconds
          - --verify
          - datacollector
        initialDelaySeconds: 120
        periodSeconds: 60
        timeoutSeconds: 30
        failureThreshold: 5
# Uncomment section below if using DTP with Extension Designer
#    - name: extension-designer
#      image: DTP_DOCKER_IMAGE
#      args: ["--run", "dtpservices"]
#      imagePullPolicy: Always
#      ports:
#        - containerPort: 8314
#      volumeMounts:
#        - mountPath: "/usr/local/parasoft/data"
#          name: dtp-data
# To prevent liveness probe failures on environments with low or overly taxed RAM/CPU, we recommend increasing the timeout seconds
#     livenessProbe:
#       exec:
#         command:
#         -
#         - --verify
#         - dtpservices
#       initialDelaySeconds: 120
#       periodSeconds: 60
#       timeoutSeconds: 30
#       failureThreshold: 5
# Uncomment section below if using Extension Designer with an external MongoDB
#      env:
#      - name: DEP_USE_REMOTE_DB
#        value: "true"
#      - name: DEP_DB_HOSTNAME
#        value: "mongodb-hostname" # Put your mongodb hostname here
#      - name: DEP_DB_PORT
#        value: "27017"
  restartPolicy: Always
  serviceAccountName: parasoft-account
    - name: YOUR_SECRET
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: dtp
  namespace: parasoft-namespace
    app: DTP
    - name: "http-server"
      protocol: TCP
      port: 8080
      targetPort: 8080
    - name: "data-collector"
      protocol: TCP
      port: 8082
      targetPort: 8082
    - name: "https-server"
      protocol: TCP
      port: 8443
      targetPort: 8443
# Uncomment section below if using DTP with Extension Designer
#    - name: "extension-designer"
#      protocol: TCP
#      port: 8314
#      targetPort: 8314
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: dtp-external
  namespace: parasoft-namespace
  type: NodePort
    app: DTP
    - port: 8080
      name: HTTP_PORT_NAME
      nodePort: XXXXX
    - port: 8082
      name: DC_PORT_NAME
      nodePort: XXXXX
    - port: 8443
      name: HTTPS_PORT_NAME
      nodePort: XXXXX
# Uncomment section below if using DTP with Extension Designer
#    - port: 8314
#      nodePort: XXXXX
# 'name' can be whatever you want
# 'nodePort' must be between 30000-32768
# 'spec.selector' must match 'metadata.labels' in pod config

Create the DTP environment

Prepare the volume mount location on your cluster. By default, the image runs as the "parasoft" user with a UID of 1000 and GID of 1000. Prepare the volume such that this user has read and write access to it.

Then create the DTP environment defined in the DTP setup yaml file created previously:

kubectl create -f parasoft-dtp.yaml

This will initialize the contents of the persistent volume, however, additional setup is required for the DTP and Data Collector containers to run correctly.

If you injected JVM arguments into a container and want to verify their status, run the following command:

kubectl exec <POD_NAME> -c <CONTAINER_NAME> -- printenv

Setup DTP to connect to your database

Download and install the relevant JDBC driver in the persistent volume that is mounted to the DTP data directory.


Initialize the DTP database. For MySQL databases that exist in the same cluster:

kubectl exec dtp -c dtp-server -- cat dtp/grs/db/dtp/mysql/create.sql | kubectl exec -i <mysql pod name> -- mysql -u<username> -p<password>

Configure the database URL in the "<dtp-db-connection>" section of the PSTRootConfig.xml file. This file exists in the persistent volume that is mounted to the DTP data directory.


Recreate the DTP environment

At this point the DTP environment is fully configured. In order for the changes to take effect, the containers must be restarted. To do this, simply destroy the environment:

kubectl delete -f parasoft-dtp.yaml

Then recreate it using the same command from Create the DTP environment.

If you are using DTP with Extension Designer, after you have completed the initial setup you will need to update the Reverse Proxy settings in Extension Designer to reflect the expected hostname and the exposed ports for accessing DTP and Extension Designer.

Custom Truststore

Using a custom truststore in Kubernetes environments is similar to using a custom keystore as described above. Adjust the directions for using a custom keystore as appropriate. Note that the truststore location is /usr/local/parasoft/dtp/jre/lib/security/cacerts.

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