This topic explains how to preconfigure C/C++test during installation.

Preconfiguring C/C++test Settings

Preconfiguring C/C++test allows you ensure consistency of basic configuration settings across multiple machines before C/C++test is launched. See C/C++test Configuration Overview for details about sharing C/C++test preferences after installation.

To preconfigure C/C++test during installation:

  1. Create a localsettings file that includes the options you want to use for C/C++test preconfiguration. See Configuring Localsettings for details on how to create a localsettings file and the list of available settings.
  2. Pass the path to the localsettings file with the  /configure parameter when running the C/C++test installer:


    The localsettings file renamed as parasofttest.ini will be copied to the root directory of Parasoft Test (a component of C/C++test).1

The settings specified in the localsettings file are used to initialize a clean workspace when you launch the C/C++test GUI. To apply the settings to an existing workspace, add the following setting to your localsettings file:


As a result, the settings specified in parasofttest.ini override existing settings during the first startup after C/C++test installation or reinstallation.

1 If the same or newer version of Parasoft Test is already installed on the machine, the localsettings file will not be copied during installation or reinstallation.


The following localsettings file configures the network license:


See Licensing for details about setting a Parasoft license.

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