- With the environment diagram in regular (not Edit) mode, select the component, then click the Unlock in the toolbar.
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You can also lock and unlock specific components in Edit mode: |
Locking an Environment
- With the environment diagram in regular (not Edit) mode, click Lock All in the toolbar. If CTP opens a Resource Lock Status dialog, see the tips in the What if included artifacts are already locked? box above.
To unlock all environment components and all the associated artifacts that you previously locked:
- With the environment diagram in regular (not Edit) mode, click Unlock All in the toolbar.
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You can also lock and unlock specific entire environments in Edit mode: |
Locking a Specific Artifact
- Any artifact available in the Virtualize Server page can be locked and unlocked in that page.
- Virtual assets and related files can also be locked and unlocked in the Virtual Assets page using the Lock Virtual Asset (or Unlock Virtual Asset) action menu.
- Test scenarios and related files can also be locked and unlocked in the Test Scenarios page using the Lock Test Scenario (or Unlock Test Scenario) action menu.
- JDBC controllers, message proxies, and provisioning actions can also be locked and unlocked in their respective page).
You can also view a list of artifacts that you have locked—as well as unlock them—from the user profile page (choose User Profile from the login menu on the top right).
Getting Lock Status Updates from Virtualize Server
After a user locks or unlocks Virtualize server artifacts using Virtualize desktop, that Virtualize server needs to be refreshed in CTP in order for CTP to show those lock changes.