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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space FUNCTDEV and version SVC2023.1


  • Match response JMSCorrelationID with request JMSMessageID: If selected, the term JMSCorrelationID = '[msgId]' will be appended to the selector expression, where msgId is dynamically generated from the outgoing (request) javax.jms.Message (using the getJMSMessageID() method). Effectively, this results in the tool blocking until a message with the specified correlation id becomes available in the queue (or topic) and it will only retrieve that particular message, rather than retrieving any message in the queue (or topic). The tool will timeout after the timeout amount elapses and if there is no message that watches the selector criteria.
  • Match response JMSCorrelationID with request JMSCorrelationID: If selected, the term JMSCorrelationID = '[correlationId]' will be appended to the selector expression, where correlationId is retrieved from JMSCorrelationID property in the Message Properties section. The option becomes enabled only if such property is added to the Message Properties section. Effectively, this results in the tool blocking until a message with the specified correlation id becomes available in the queue (or topic) and it will only retrieve that particular message, rather than retrieving any message in the queue (or topic). The tool will timeout after the timeout amount elapses and if there is no message that watches the selector criteria.
  • Additional Selector Expression Terms: (Optional) Enter a value to act as a message filter. For example, by entering username=='John', only messages that contain have "John" as a username will be delivered. If this field is left blank, then any messages can be received from the queue.
    This expression is passed to the createReceiver() method of the javax.jms.QueueSession class in point-to-point messaging, or the createSubscriber() method of the javax.jms.TopicSession class in publish and subscribe messaging. For tips on specifying a selector, see Using Message Selector Filters.


For example, by entering username=='John', only messages that contain have "John" as a username will be delivered. If  If this field is left blank, then any messages can be received.
