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  1. Click Add Listener and choose Reverse Proxy from the Type menu.
  2. Specify a name for the listener.
  3. Click Add Port and enter a port number. You can enable the message proxy to automatically assign a port by specifying 0 as the port number. When the proxy is enabled, the assigned port number will appear in the console. The port is randomly assigned every time the message proxy is changed/enabled. You can also send a GET request to the messageProxies API endpoint to return the automatically assigned port number. See Creating and Modifying Assets Testing through the REST API for additional information. 
  4. If the client sends traffic over SSL, enable the Secure option and enable your verification options. See SSL Settings for HTTP Reverse Listener Ports for details.
  5. Click OK to exit the port editor.
  6. Click Add to add additional ports to the listener or OK again to finish adding the listener.


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Configuring an HTTP Message Proxy Video Tutorial

This video describes how to set up a message proxy that can capture live traffic.


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More on Recording Session Options
