- If you created a Shared Property for SonicMQ Connections, a dropdown menu will be available from which you can choose Use Local Settings or Use Shared Property.
If you select Use Shared Property, a second dropdown menu displays from which you select the desired global SonicMQ settings that the tool will use. For more information, see Adding Global Test Suite PropertiesAdding Global PropertiesAdding Global Test Suite Properties or Adding Global Properties.
- If you select Use Local Settings, or if no shared property is specified, you can configure the rest of the options for Connection Settings.
- Provider URL: Specifies the value of the property named javax.naming.Context.PROVIDER_URL passed to the JNDI javax.naming.InitialContext constructor.
- Initial Context: Specifies a fully qualified class name string, passed to the JNDI javax.nam-ing.InitialContext constructor as a string value for the property named javax.naming.Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY.
- Connection Factory: Passed to the lookup() method in javax.naming.InitialContext to create a javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory or a javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory instance.
- Match response JMSCorrelationID with request JMSMessageID: If selected, the term JMSCorrelationID = '[msgId]' will be appended to the selector expression, where msgId is dynamically generated from the outgoing (request) javax.jms.Message (using the getJMSMessageID() method). Effectively, this results in the tool blocking until a message with the specified correlation id becomes available in the queue (or topic) and it will only retrieve that particular message, rather than retrieving any message in the queue (or topic). The tool will timeout after the timeout amount elapses and if there is no message that watches the selector criteria.
- Match response JMSCorrelationID with request JMSCorrelationID: If selected, the term JMSCorrelationID = '[correlationId]' will be appended to the selector expression, where correlationId is retrieved from JMSCorrelationID property in the Message Properties section. The option becomes enabled only if such property is added to the Message Properties section. Effectively, this results in the tool blocking until a message with the specified correlation id becomes available in the queue (or topic) and it will only retrieve that particular message, rather than retrieve any message in the queue (or topic). The tool will timeout after the timeout amount elapses and if there is no message that watches the selector criteria.
Additional Selector Expression Terms: (Optional) Enter a value to act as a message filter. For tips on specifying a selector, see Using Message Selector Filters.see Using Message Selector Filters. see Using Message Selector Filters (SOAtest) or Using Message Selector Filters (Virtualize).