Parasoft (Root-Level) | Sets general preferences and allows you to export settings to a settings file.
Authors | Maps a team member’s automatically detected username to a different username and/or email address. See Configuring Task Assignment and Code Authorship Settings. |
Browser | Specifies which browser executables to use for web testing. See Browser Settings. |
Configurations | Specifies the number of Test Configurations available in the Parasoft> Test History menu, the location where custom static analysis rules (user rules) are saved and searched for, and the location where user-defined Test Configurations and rules are saved and searched for.
Console | Specifies settings for the Console view.
Continuous Testing Platform | Configures your connection to Continuous Testing Platform. See Continuous Testing Platform. Contact your Parasoft representative for additional information. |
DTP | Configures your connection to DTP. See Connecting to DTP. |
Dictionary | Configures the language dictionary. |
Specifies email settings used for report notifications and for sending files to Parasoft Technical Support. | |
Global Data Sources | Specifies where the datasources.properties file is saved. See Adding a Data Source at the Test Suite, Project, or Global Level. |
Issue Tracking Tags | Specifies custom tags that the team uses to associate a test case with an issue from an issue/feature/defect tracking system (for example, Jira). |
JDBC Drivers | Specifies JDBC drivers that are needed to connect to a database. |
License | Specifies license settings. See Licensing. |
MIME Types | Specifies recognized MIME types. |
Misc. | Enables you to specify the following settings:
Proxy | Specifies custom proxy settings. The IDE proxy settings (General> Network) are used by default. |
Quality Tasks | Specifies general options related to how tasks are displayed in the Quality Tasks view. |
Reports | Specifies what reports include and how they are formatted. The value used for the Session Tag field cannot contain colon characters (:). |
Scanning | Specifies default user agent, FTP log, and script extensions. |
Scope and Authorship | Specifies how code authorship is computed and how tasks are assigned to different team members. See Configuring Task Assignment and Code Authorship Settings |
Scripting | Specifies additional scripting languages you can use in Scripting Tools. See Extensibility or Scripting Basics. |
Security | Specifies settings for allowing the tool to connect to secure applications. See Configuring for Services Deployed Over HTTPS |
Server | Specifies SOAtest server start-up and port settings. See Parasoft Virtualize Server WAR File Deployment. |
SOAP | Specifies default SOAP settings. |
Source Controls | Specifies the connection to your source control repositories. |
System Properties | Specifies additional JARs and class folders to add to the classpath. |
Technical Support | Specifies options for preparing "support archives" and sending them to the Parasoft support team. See カスタマーサポート |
UDDI | Specifies UDDI inquiry endpoint. |
WSDL History | Enables you to set/reset the WSDL history. |
XML Conversion | Specifies data model directories for XML conversion. |
XML Schema History | Enables you to set/reset the XML schema history. |
XML Schema Locations | Enables you to set/reset XML schema namespaces. |