Development Testing Platform (DTP) enables teams to configure or update team-wide settings, such as license and report settings, and propagate them across the team’s Parasoft installations. Choose Parasoft> Preferences to open the Preferences dialog and select Development Testing Platform.

You can configure the following settings.

Server Settings

Enable the Enable option to activate the server settings.

Host nameSpecify the DTP server host name. You can also specify an IP address.
PortSpecify the port number of the DTP server.
User nameSpecify your DTP user name. Contact your DTP administrator if you do not have access. Enable the Default option to use your machine name login.
PasswordSpecify your DTP password. Contact your DTP administrator if you do not have access.

Click Test Connection to verify your configuration. 

Project Settings

  1. Click Configure to open the Project drop-down menu and select your current project. The menu will be populated with the projects you have access to if your DTP connection is configured correctly. Contact your DTP administrator if your project is not available. 

  2. Click Next and specify the settings you want to automatically configure based on the preferences stored in DTP . Settings you enable in this panel will automatically be updated when the settings are updated in DTP. See the DTP documentation for configuring project settings.


  3. Click Finish to save the project settings.

License Settings

The status of your license displays in this section. No additional configuration will be necessary if DTP is configured to automatically provide licenses, but you can click Configure to manually set the license. See Licensing for additional information.

Continuous Testing Platform Settings

The status of your connection to Continuous Testing Platform (CTP) displays in this section. No additional configuration will be necessary if DTP is configured to automatically provide CTP connection settings, but you can click Configure to manually configure your connection to CTP. 

Report Settings

Enable the Enable reporting results to DTP option to automatically send reports to DTP when publishing reports. A valid license with one of the following options is required: Command Line (for SOAtest) or Service Enabled (for Virtualize).

Connecting to Concerto

Parasoft Concerto (version 4.9.4 and older) is the previous implementation of Development Testing Platform. 

  1. Open the Parasoft Preferences panel (Parasoft> Preferences).
  2. Open the Concerto page.
  3. If your team’s Concerto server is not already listed under the auto-detected servers list, configure the server connection settings.
  4. Click the Configure button in the General Project area and choose your Concerto project from the drop-down menu. If your project does not appear, contact your Concerto administrator. If you’re working with multiple Concerto projects, return to this setting to switch from one project’s settings to another.
  5. Click Next and specify which settings you want to import for that project. 
  6. Click Finish and verify the connection status. The status of the main connection is shown on the Concerto page. Follow the Configure links for more details on the status of specific elements (e.g., License, Report Center, Team Server). 

  7. Update any machine-specific settings, such as settings that use local paths by disabling the Use Concerto settings option on the appropriate preferences page and manually configuring the settings. If you override imported settings and later want to restore them, click the Restore Concerto Defaults button on the related preference page (to restore specific settings)

Refreshing Parasoft Test Settings Specified on Concerto

If you are storing settings on Concerto, those settings are refreshed each time that Parasoft Test is started. If you want to manually refresh these settings (e.g., if you know that settings changed and you want to retrieve the new settings immediately, without restarting Parasoft Test):

  1. Choose Parasoft> Preferences.
  2. Open Parasoft> Concerto.
  3. Click the Configure button to the right of the General Project field. This will synchronize the selected project’s settings with those on the Concerto server.
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