The installation procedure for Parasoft Virtualize Server depends on what servlet container you're deploying it to—and there are typically multiple ways to install into any given servlet container. In all instances:

  1. Install Parasoft Virtualize Server into its own dedicated servlet container (e.g., not shared with another web application)
  2. Deploy the WAR file at the root context of the servlet container. 
  3. The server should run as a different user than the system user.

Installing Parasoft Virtualize Server on the Same System as Parasoft CTP

If you are installing Parasoft Virtualize Server on the same system as Parasoft CTP, be sure to install Parasoft Virtualize Server into its own dedicated servlet container. 



Windows, MacOS, and Linux are supported. For specific OS versions, refer to the system requirements sections in the Virtualize Installation chapter.

SoftwareJava 8
Servlet containers

The following servlet containers have been tested and are supported for SOAtest and Virtualize Server WAR file deployments:

  • Apache Tomcat 7
  • Apache Tomcat 8
  • Jetty 9.3.14 and sub minor versions later than 9.3.14 (9.4.x and versions prior to 9.3.14 are not currently supported)
  • WildFly 10.1 or higher
  • WebSphere 8.5.5

Although the WAR file may be deployed to other servlet containers, Parasoft only supports the containers specified in this documentation and cannot guaranty that the server will start or function as expected when deployed to other containers.

Clustering is not supported.

Deployment Examples

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