Variables can used to parameterize text field values in tool editors (for example, input tabs, request/response message fields, and tool configuration fields). A text field might reference environment variables, a data source column, a data bank column, or a variable defined for the current suite. 

To reference a variable in this manner, you use the ${var_name} notation: a dollar sign with the variable's name wrapped in curly braces. 

Static Variables 

Static variables represent values that remain constant during the execution of a tool. This includes:

  • Environment variables: Values that come from the environment that is currently enabled for the active suite.

Dynamic Variables 

Dynamic variables represent values that may change during tool execution, for example, data source columns, data bank columns, and suite-level variables. Data source columns depend on the current data source row.

Additional Information

  • Some tool editors that take a file input have an option to conditionally resolve variables in the external file before the file is read from disk.
  • Some fields support only static variables, typically in cases where an editor needs to directly resolve a variable outside the context of tool execution. For example, this is the case with file path fields in Excel and CSV data source editors, WSDL/WADL/XSD fields in messaging tools, and suite fields.
  • Any data source columns referenced by a tool will cause the tool to iterate over the data source's rows.
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