This release includes the following enhancements:

Release date: May 15, 2024

Important Notes Regarding DTP

  • DTP or License Server 2024.1 is required for licensing SOAtest, Virtualize, and/or CTP 2024.1. You must upgrade to DTP or License Server 2024.1 before upgrading to SOAtest, Virtualize, or CTP 2024.1 in order to license the products successfully.
  • Connections to DTP and License Server must be over HTTPS. HTTP is no longer supported.

Improved Microservice Coverage Workflows

Collection of code coverage in distributed microservices architectures has been enhanced in the following ways:

Support for Coverage Collection for Multiple Parallel Users

You can now enable multiuser coverage for multiple users who are simultaneously accessing the same web application without mixing the coverage data they collect.

Report Microservice Test and Coverage Data to a Single DTP Project

You can now configure all your CTP components to publish to the same DTP project, making it easier to review coverage for all microservices in one combined view. Now you have two options when using CTP to orchestrate coverage collection for distributed microservices: You can configure the components in your environment to publish coverage and test results to either a single project, allowing you to see the data for multiple microservices in an aggregate-level view, or to multiple projects in order to see the data split up by microservice. See Connecting CTP to Coverage Agents for more information.

Improved Workflows for Coverage Agents in Kubernetes

CTP users will now find it easier to deploy coverage agents in Kubernetes with detailed documentation and helpful examples. See Deploying Coverage Agents in Kubernetes for complete details.

Test Scenario Creation with OpenAI Enhancement

Test scenario creation from OpenAPI definitions using OpenAI or Azure OpenAI in SOAtest has been enhanced to automatically parameterize dynamic data returned from previous API responses in the scenario.

Enhanced Precision in Test Impact Analysis

Test Impact Analysis capabilities have been improved to more precisely calculate impacted tests while identifying a smaller subset of them that sufficiently tests the changes you have made to your Application Under Test.

Accessibility Scan Improvements

The Web Accessibility Scan has been enhanced to include support for WCAG 2.2. In addition, the Web Accessibility Scan now generates a new accessibility section in your reports. This new section collects and categorizes your accessibility issues in their own section, displayed in an easy-to-read, color-coded table with drilldowns to detailed information and with links to WCAG guidelines. See Adding a Web Accessibility Scan for more information.

Copying Data Sets

In addition to copying entire data repositories in the Data Repository view, you can now copy individual data sets, including options to merge, overwrite, update, or replace existing data. See Copying and Pasting Repository Data for more information.

Finding Broken Parameterizations in SOAtest and Virtualize

Added several capabilities to make it easier for SOAtest and Virtualize users to find and fix broken parameterizations. See Troubleshooting Parameterizations for more information.

Chaining Tools to a Message Responder's Pre-correlation Incoming Request

You can now chain tools to a Message Responder's incoming request before correlation, allowing you to do things like execute a Data Bank tool before responder correlation in order to use a data banked request value as part of a custom responder correlation. Chaining Tools to the Responder's Incoming Request or Outgoing Response

Event and Statistics Monitoring over WebSockets

Event and Statistics monitoring can now be done over WebSockets, reducing the number of ports required for forwarding in container environments and incurring a low performance cost when monitoring assets that are not under load.

Asynchronous Socket Transport and Listener

Both the Asynchronous Socket Transport and Listener now support testing and virtualizing network services that use UDP.

Breaking Changes

  • Unrecognized CLI arguments will now cause an error. In previous versions, unrecognized arguments were ignored, allowing some tests to pass despite them. These tests will now fail, and their unrecognized arguments will need to be resolved.

Additional Updates

  • Added support for Java 17. SOAtest and Virtualize now ship with Java 17.
  • Support for Java 11 is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.

  • Added SOAtest static analysis support for WCAG 2.2.
  • Load Test monitors now support Tomcat 10. Load Test monitor support for Tomcat 7.x and 8.x has ended.
  • Load Test monitors now support WildFly. Load Test monitor support for JBoss monitors has ended.
  • Scripting support for Nashorn updated to OpenJDK Nashorn. Scripts saved in earlier versions of SOAtest and Virtualize with the Oracle Nashorn engine will now run in the new OpenJDK Nashorn engine. See Extensibility and Scripting Basics for more information.
  • Support for Oracle in CTP:
    • Added support for Oracle 23c.
    • Ended support for Oracle 12c.
    • Deprecated support for Oracle 18c and 21c.
    • Added support for Oracle database RAC by specifying a JDBC URL instead of single host and port
  • Minimum supported Eclipse is now 2022-03 (4.23).
  • You can now enable user access logs for your SOAtest/Virtualize server with a small configuration change to your logging XML file. See Server Configuration for more information. Note that this is enabled by default in the SOAtest and Virtualize Server WAR deployment.

  • Authentication can now be enabled for connecting to a standalone License Server if it is configured to require authentication. See Licensing and License Settings for more information.
  • You can now specify custom parameters to be added to the report.xml header using the report.xml.param{n}.key= and report.xml.param{n}.value= settings.. See Report Settings for more information.

  • MongoDB users can now execute a query with a sort and limit in order to have the MongoDB server sort and limit results on the server side. See MongoDB Tool 1.4.
  • Virtualize now requires the Admin role for setting licensing or to enable event monitoring and hit statistics. Previously users with the System Role were able to configure these.
  • Ended support for Apache Tomcat 8.5. Tomcat 9 is required.
  • Ended support for the ExamXML diff engine in the Diff Tool.
  • Ended support for the deprecated "SOAP with Attachments" (SwA) specification. MIME or DIME attachments can no longer be configured independent of the SOAP body. SOAP messages with MIME attachments must be sent as MTOM.
  • Ended support for emulation for the XML Signer, XML Encryption, and XML Signature Verifier tools.
  • Removed the ability to set a custom return message for certain responders. Custom return codes still available.
  • WS-I Basic Profile 1.1 has been removed from the WS-I tool.
  • Addressed Apache CXF (CVE-2024-32007), Apache Tomcat (CVE-2024-34750), dnsjava (CVE-2024-25638) and OpenJDK Java (CVE-2024-21131, CVE-2024-21138, CVE-2024-21140, CVE-2024-21145, CVE-2024-21147) security vulnerabilities in version 2024.1.2.

Resolved PRs and FRs


Use case-insensitive comparison for host names in execution groups

CTP-9189Hit statistics not received after CTP restarts
CTP-9190CTP and SOAVirt Add Server Still Case Sensitive Even When Turned Off in DTP
CTP-9193Disabling Event Monitoring from CTP disables Server Statistics
CTP-9340Environment Variables Display No Longer Existing Message
PT-2484*OIDC callback port not set correctly in the desktop when importing preferences
SOA-16478NullpointerException when trying to create a tst from traffic with data repository on Mac M2 machine
SOA-16678Search and Replace not Replacing Text in Diff Tools with the same name
SOA-16739JSON Validator fails when message has hyphen/minus in resource path
SOA-16809"Generate Fixed Messages" creates no client for traffic pair without request and response body
SOA-16863Lack of XPath in Browser Validation tool
SOA-16913Hexidecimal response on the left of the xml response when Content-Type = application/soap+xml
SOA-16989Create .project file if needed when importing project using maven goal
SOA-17037Save current Data Repo Password on Data Repo Data source
SOA-17140Query parameters duplicated when following HTTP 3xx redirect
VIRT-7031PVA created from SOAP 1.2  wsdl should not create SOAPAction correlation
VIRT-7096Include Element Attributes on Exclude Patterns for Request Message Correlation
VIRT-7099Generate Data Repository Data Source Not Populating Correctly
VIRT-7333**Virtualize server using websocket events crashes when session has been closed
VIRT-7337**Websocket Provider Client reduce resource load of reconnect attempts
VIRT-7442***License module does not recognize feature "Virtualize-100000-Hits/Day"

* Resolved in 2024.1.1

** Resolved in 2024.1.2

*** Resolved in 2024.1.3

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