In this section:


The Parasoft HTTP/2 Transport Extension adds support for the HTTP/2 transport to applicable messaging client tools in Parasoft SOAtest. This allows users to take full advantage of SOAtest's rich interface when they're configuring, sending, and validating messages sent over HTTP/2.


  • SOAtest 2022.1 or later


The tool can be installed from the UI or command line.

Parasoft Extension Installation

UI Installation

  1. Go to Parasoft > Preferences and click System Properties.
  2. Click Add JARs and select the com.parasoft.soavirt.transport.http2-1.1.0.jar file.
  3. Click Apply.
  4. Restart SOAtest/Virtualize.

Once this jar file is added to the SOAtest/Virtualize classpath, all of the required dependencies will be loaded.

Command Line Installation

Add the http2transport.jar file to the property in your settings properties file. For example:<PATH_TO_JAR>/com.parasoft.soavirt.transport.http2-1.1.0.jar

Once the classpath is modified, all of the required dependencies will be loaded.


The HTTP/2 Transport is primarily used in Messaging Client tools (for example, the SOAP Client, EDI Client, and Messaging Client). The transport is configured in the Messaging Client's Transport tab. To use the HTTP/2 Transport in a Messaging Client, select HTTP/2 in the Transport menu, then configure the available options.

The configuration options detailed below are available.

URLSpecify the URL you want to invoke. The default port is 443.
HTTP MethodThe HTTP method to invoke. All valid HTTP methods are supported. The default is GET.
Connection TimeoutSpecify how long (in milliseconds) to wait for a reply before timing out. A new connection pool is created for each unique Connection Timeout value.
Log LevelSpecify how much information you want logged to the console and the Event Monitoring view. The default is 2 (warn).

HTTP Headers

You can use the available controls to configure up to 10 headers. Specify headers using the name: value format:

The first headers of the HTTP/2 request and the first header of the HTTP/2 response are added by SOAtest for informational purposes. They are not sent over the wire. For example, in the request you might see the following headers:

method: GET
path: /parabank/index.htm
scheme: https

All of which are added by the transport for informational purposes. Similarly, in the response:

HTTP/2 200
:status: 200
content-language: en-US
content-length: 5922
content-type: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1

The "HTTP/2 200" header is added by the transport, also for informational purposes.

Connection Management

Keep connection alive/ Close connection after test execution

The HTTP/2 transport allows for multiple active connections to different endpoints within a single connection pool.

Set this option to Keep connection alive to ensure that a connection pool remains open for reuse by subsequent tests within the same TST. Otherwise, the connection pool may later be closed by the Java garbage collector.

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