The Database Configuration screen enables you to create and configure databases using the embedded HyperSQL server or connect to an external MySQL or Oracle database. You can also create and restore database backups, as well as port existing backups to a different type of database. For example, you could back up a HyperSQL database, then re-create it as an Oracle or MySQL database. Or, you could capture the current state of a database and use that for a rollback. 

In this section:

Creating a New Database

  1. Choose Database Configuration from the administration drop-down menu (gear icon).
  2. Choose a database software from the Type drop-down menu and specify the settings for the database. See Database Settings.
  3. Click Create Database in the Database Connection Settings section.

Also see Installing and Running CTP.

Database Settings

The settings are specific to the type of database you are connecting to CTP.


CTP ships with an embedded HyperSQL database. 

  • File path: Specify the where the database files should be saved. The files should be saved on the Apache Tomcat host.  Prepend a forward slash ‘/’ to make the path absolute in the file system.  
  • Username: Specify a user that will be able to access to the database. Default is the em user. If the Create a new user option is enabled, a new user with the name specified in this field will be added to the database.
  • Password: Specify the password for the user that will be able to access the database. Default is the password for the em user. If the Create a new user option is enabled, a new user with the password specified in this field will be added to the database.
  • Create a new user: Enable this option if you want to create a new user with access to the database. 


  • Host: Specify the host where the MySQL server is installed.
  • Port: Specify the port on the host through which the MySQL database is running.
  • Schema: Specify the name of the schema (database) that should contain the data. Default is em.
  • Username: Specify a user that will be able to access to the database. Default is the em user. If the Create a new user option is enabled, a new user with the name specified in this field will be added to the database.
  • Password: Specify the password for the user that will be able to access the database. Default is the password for the em user. If the Create a new user option is enabled, a new user with the password specified in this field will be added to the database.
  • Create a new user: Enable this option if you want to create a new user with access to the database.


  • Host: Specify the host where the Oracle server is installed.
  • Port: Specify the port on the host through which the Oracle database is running.
  • Use service name: Enable this option if you want to connect to the Oracle database using the service name. Specify the service name in the field provided. Enabling this option disables the SID field.
  • SID: Specify the SID of the Oracle database if you want to connect using the SID. Enabling the User service name option disables the SID field.
  • Username: Specify the name of the schema (database) that should contain the data. Default is em.
  • Password: Specify the password for the user that will be able to access the database. Default is the password for the em user. If the Create a new user option is enabled, a new user with the password specified in this field will be added to the database.
  • Create a new user: Enable this option if you want to create a new user with access to the database. The new user will be added to the Data tablespace and Temp tablespace specified.  

JDBC Driver

CTP does not ship with JDBC driver libraries for MySQL or Oracle. Refer to the JDBC Driver Notes in the installation guide for additional information.

Creating a Backup

  1. Choose Database Configuration from the administration drop-down menu (gear icon).
  2. Click Backup Database in the Database Connection Settings section.
  3. Click the file link when prompted to download the backup file.

Backing Up Databases with Large Files (MySQL Only)

If you are using a MySQL database and the backup fails, try increasing the MySQL size limits as follows:

  1. Find the my.cnf/my.ini file for your installation of MySQL. For MySQL 5.7, see For other versions, see the appropriate manual at
  2. Edit the file to use the parameter settings outlined below.
  3. Restart the MySQL Service 


  • innodb = ON
  • innodb_log_file_size = 5242880000 // This must be set to be 10x the largest content being loaded for the public marketplace.
  • max_allowed_packet = 1G
  • innodb_file_per_table = 1
  • innodb_file_format = Barracuda 


  • max_allowed_packet = 1G 


  • max_allowed_packet = 1G

Creating a Database from a Backup

  1. Choose Database Configuration from the administration drop-down menu (gear icon).
  2. Click Create Database in the Database Connection Settings section.
  3. Specify information about the new database  
  4. Browse for a backup file In the Create from Backup File section and click Create.

A new database will be created in the specified location  then it will be populated with the data saved in the backup file. After a new database is successfully created, CTP will ask you if you want it to delete the previous database (the database whose connection settings are shown in the main page behind the dialog).

Adding Multiple Databases

To add multiple databases of the same type, specify a different location (e.g., schema, SID, service name, or path) when creating a new database. This prevents the existing database from being overwritten. 

  • HyperSQL: Enter a new file path.
  • MySQL: Enter a new schema.
  • Oracle: Enter a new SID or service name.

To port a database to a different database type, select the target database type, then specify the desired location for the new database.

To create a new database account from this interface, enter the desired username and password, check Create a new user, then confirm the password. For new accounts on Oracle, you can also specify a data tablespace and temp tablespace—or you can leave those fields empty to use the defaults (<USER>_DATA> and <USER_TEMP>).

Current Configuration

You can view the current database configuration in this section. 

Database Table Limits

Messages received by CTP's underlying Virtualize server are logged in the database. The event message, payload, hit statistics, and time information are stored. You can change the number of event messages and entries about each hit to the server in this section.


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