This topic explains how to install the SOAtest plugin into a working copy of Eclipse on Windows. Parasoft Load Test will also be installed during this process.

For details on service pack installation, see the Updating SOAtest with a Service Pack.

In this section:

SOAtest - Virtualize Co-Installation

When Parasoft SOAtest and Parasoft Virtualize are installed on the same machine, SOAtest and Virtualize must have an identical version number. This ensures compatibility between both products. If you are updating an existing installation (including updating from a service pack), be sure to update both products at the same time.

System Requirements


32-bit or 64-bit (x86_64) processor with at least 2 cores


Java 7 or higher


At least 1 GB RAM (2 GB is recommended); Load Test might require more for high loads


The following versions are supported:

  • Windows Server: 2008, 2012, or 2016
  • Windows 7, 8.x, or 10

Eclipse 3.5.2 - 4.x or Rational Application Developer 8.0


To install:

  1. In Windows Explorer, locate and double-click the self extracting archive.
  2. Click Yes when a dialog asks whether you want to install SOAtest.
  3. Click Yes after you have read and agreed with the license information.
  4. Click Next after you have read the readme file.
  5. Enter the desired destination directory for the SOAtest Extension files, then click Next. The default destination directory is C:\Program Files\Parasoft\soatestextension.
  6. Enter your Eclipse installation directory, then click OK.
  7. Close Eclipse if it is open, then click OK to close the dialog reminding you to close this program. SOAtest will then start copying files and installing the necessary files into the workbench. Complete additional installation prompts as they open; see Installation Options below for details on specific installation options. A dialog box with a progress indicator will open and indicate installation progress. When the installation is complete, a notification dialog box will open.
  8. Click the OK button to close the notification dialog box.

Windows 8.x and Higher Installation Note

Due to Windows SmartScreen Filter, you might see the following notice when installing this product:

If so, click More info, then click Run anyway.

Parasoft software is digitally signed and will not harm your system.

Installation Options


Options: If you choose to install the RootCA, this will cause Internet Explorer to automatically trust any SSL connections that SOAtest makes during recording and playback. Choosing not to install the Windows 8.x and Higher Installation Note Due to Windows SmartScreen Filter, you might see the following notice when installing this product: If so, click More info, then click Run anyway. Parasoft software is digitally signed and will not harm your system. Windows Standalone Installation RootCA will prompt Internet Explorer to launch a "Trusted Certificate" dialog whenever SOAtest ttempts to establish an SSL connection during recording and playback (e.g., during recording or playing back against an HTTPS endpoint). These "Trusted Certificate" dialogs usually block the actual page from loading, preventing SOAtest from automating actions in the browser (because the user has to manually confirm that they trust each certificate each time a test is run).

Details: During recording and playback, SOAtest pipes all communication between the browser and the server through its own proxy. The proxy must be able to interpret the traffic being sent between the browser and the server. In order to interpret the SSL traffic being sent through the proxy, SOAtest acts as an intermediary, providing SSL credentials to the browser as though it were the server, and providing SSL credentials to the server as though it were the browser. Certificates are used to certify the identity of the entity of the endpoints. If you enable this installation option, SOAtest will use the SOAtest Web Root Certificate Authority certificate to sign every certificate that the SOAtest proxy creates when establishing SSL connections between Internet Explorer and the proxy.

Load Test as a Service

Options: Allows other Load Test installations on your network to use this Load Test installation as a slave in distributed load tests.

Details: This installs a service within the Services Console that allows other machines running Load Test to use the current machine as a slave in distributed load tests. When Load Test runs, the list of available slave machines is displayed under the Load Test Configuration> Machines node. If desired, these machines can be used to generate extremely large loads and run tests from different hosts on a network. See Running Load Tests on Remote Machines for details.


To start SOAtest:

  1. Start Eclipse by double-clicking the appropriate desktop icon or choosing the appropriate menu item from the Windows Start menu.
  2. Open the SOAtest perspective by choosing Window> Perspective> Open Perspective> Other, then choosing Parasoft SOAtest in the Select Perspective dialog that opens.
  3. If the Parasoft menu is not visible in the Eclipse toolbar, choose Window> Reset Perspective. If the Parasoft menu still is not visible, ensure that you have the latest version of SOAtest by choosing Help> Software Updates> Pending Updates and installing any pending updates.

To start Load Test:

  • Double-click the Load Test desktop icon or choose Programs> Parasoft> SOAtest 9.x> Load Test from the Windows Start menu.


You must install a license before you begin using Load Test or SOAtest.

You must install a license before you begin using Load Test or SOAtest!

 See Licensing for details on configuring your license.

WTP and Pydev Plugin Installation

WTP and Pydev plugins greatly improve the usability of various text editors and must be installed for SOAtest’s syntax highlighting to work. These plugins can be downloaded and installed from the following locations:

WTP download site:

Pydev download site:

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