SOAtest can create tests that enforce policies applied to Web service assets declared in an Oracle/BEA repository. You can select a Web service asset and choose the desired policies to enforce.

To enforce Oracle/BEA AquaLogic policies, complete the following:

  1. Choose the Other> BEA AquaLogic Enterprise Repository option in one of the available test creation wizards. For details on accessing the wizards, see:
  2. In the BEA AquaLogic Enterprise Repository wizard page, enter the location of the repository in the Repository URL field, enter a Username and Password. To save these settings, click the Save to Preferences button.
  3. Click the Next button. A list of Available Web Service Assets corresponding to the selected repository displays.

  4. Select the desired Web service asset from the list and click the Next button. A list of Policies applied to the assets you selected displays.

  5. Select the desired policies and click the Finish button. SOAtest creates a test suite with the selected policies and tests whether these policies are enforced against the Web service assets.
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