To configure a JDBC controller:

  • In the Components wizard page—or the Proxy area of the Instance editor— set Proxy Type to JDBC, click Select a JDBC controller, then select the desired JDBC controller from the selector. You can use the search bar to filter the list contents. The search functionality covers controller names as well as associated metadata.

If you want to adjust the pre-populated controller settings (taken from the controller’s current state), modify them using the available controls.

  • Mode: Available modes are outlined in the following table.
  • Log Level: Adjust logging level settings if desired. Level 1 logs only errors. Level 5 provides the most detail. For additional details, see the Virtualize User’s Guide (Using the Parasoft JDBC Driver> Configuring Logging> Log Level). 
  • Log Destination Type: Specify where driver logging data should be saved or sent. For additional details, see the Virtualize User’s Guide (Using the Parasoft JDBC Driver> Configuring Logging> Log Destination Type).
  • Log File Path: If Log Destination Type is set to file, and Log Level is set to 1 or higher. In these cases, the Log File setting specifies the full path to a text file where Parasoft JDBC Proxy logging should be saved. For additional details, see the Virtualize User’s Guide (Using the Parasoft JDBC Driver> Configuring Logging> Log File).

Available Modes

PassthroughThe Parasoft JDBC Proxy Driver will delegate JDBC calls to the original driver implementation class with no data capture or recording. This mode is designed to effectively turn the Parasoft JDBC Driver off and have the system at a state similar to the original configuration as if the Parasoft driver is not there. Note that the JDBC calls still go through the driver and are delegated to the original driver – the Parasoft driver is still there in the middle.
RecordThe Parasoft JDBC Proxy Driver will delegate JDBC calls to the original driver implementation class while capturing SQL queries and ResultSet data that is returned from the original driver. The captured data is transmitted to the Virtualize Server connected to this Parasoft JDBC Proxy Driver.
 VirtualizeJDBC calls received by the Parasoft JDBC Driver will be routed to the Parasoft Virtualize Server, and the ResultSet data received from the Virtualize server will be returned to the application. This mode assumes that recording has already been performed and that Virtualize Server has been configured with a virtual asset so it can respond to the Parasoft JDBC Proxy Driver.

Reroutes traffic upon virtual asset failure or database failure (depending on the failover behavior setting). With "Virtual to Live" failover behavior, traffic will be rerouted to the live database if a data source correlation (for matching virtual assets) is not found. With "Live to Virtual" failover behavior, traffic will be rerouted to a virtual asset if a database failure (SQL exception) occurs.

Virtualize desktop users: Note that Virtualize’s Hybrid mode is represented in this UI with Failover mode> Virtual to Live failover behavior.




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