In this section:
- Automatic Creation of Test Suites - Overview
- Creating Tests from a Swagger Definition
- Creating Tests From a RAML Definition
- Creating Tests From a WADL
- Creating Tests From a WSDL
- Creating Tests From XML Schema
- Creating Tests From AmberPoint Management System
- Creating Tests From Oracle Enterprise or BEA AquaLogic Repositories
- Creating Tests From BPEL Files
- Creating Tests From Software AG CentraSite Active SOA
- Creating Tests From JMS System Transactions
- Creating Tests From Sonic ESB Transactions
- Creating Tests From TIBCO EMS Transactions
- Creating Tests From Recorded HTTP, JMS or MQ Traffic
- Creating Parameterized Message Test Clients from Traffic
- Creating Fixed Message Test Clients from Traffic
- Recording HTTP, JMS, and MQ Traffic for Test Generation
- Using Configuration Templates to Reuse and Share Wizard Settings
- Customizing Grouping Criteria
- Configuring Data Reuse and Updating
- Creating Tests From a UDDI
- Creating Tests From a WSIL
- Creating Asynchronous Tests
- Testing RESTful Services
- Sending MTOM/XOP Messages
- Sending and Receiving Attachments
- Configuring Regression Testing
- Validating the Value of an Individual Response Element
- Validating the Structure of an XML Response Message
- Viewing WSDL Contents
- Creating Virtual Assets from REST/SOA Functional Test Suites