This topic explains the general procedure for running tests from the SOAtest GUI.

Sections include:

Running a Test

Parasoft can perform a variety of software quality practices, such as static analysis, functional testing, and regression testing. These activities are executed with SOAtest by running a Test Configuration, which defines the precise nature and scope of the test or analysis. 

SOAtest is packaged with a number of preconfigured Test Configurations, which are described in Built-in Test Configurations. See Configuring Test Configurations and Rules for Policies for information about creating a custom Test Configuration.

In addition to customizing Test Configurations, you may also want to configure task assignment, reporting, and other preferences as described in the Configuration before you start testing.

The general procedure for testing from the GUI is as follows:

  1. Select the resources you want to analyze or the tests you want to execute in the Test Case Explorer or Navigator view. You can use CTRL-click or SHIFT-click to select multiple resources.
  2. Start the test in one of the following ways:
    • To run the Favorite Configuration (this is the default Test Configuration), perform one of the following actions:
      • Click Test in the tool bar.
      • Go to Parasoft > Test Using [Favorite Configuration] from the menu bar.
      • Right-click the resource and choose SOAtest > Test Using [Favorite Configuration].
    • To run a specific Test Configuration, perform one of the following actions:
      • Choose the appropriate Test Configuration from the Test Using section of the Test button’s pulldown menu.
      • Choose the appropriate Test Configuration from the Parasoft > Test Using menu in the menu bar.
      • Choose the appropriate Test Configuration from the Parasoft > Test History menu in the menu bar. Note that this menu contains only the most recently run Test Configurations.
      • Right-click the selection and choose the appropriate Test Configuration from the SOAtest > Test Using.
      • Right-click the selection and choose the appropriate Test Configuration from the SOAtest > Test History.
    • To rerun the same tests that were run in your previous test run, click Rerun Tests in the Test Progress view.

"Grayed Out" Test Configurations = Incompatible Test Configurations

If a Test Configuration is "grayed out," this indicated that it was created with an incompatible version of SOAtest, and cannot be applied with the current version.

SOAtest will then run the test scenario defined by the selected Test Configuration. 

Reviewing Results

Test progress and results summaries will be reported in the Test Progress tab that SOAtest opens when it starts the test. Detailed results will be reported in the Quality Tasks view. Drill down to see details about the test findings. 

The general procedure for reviewing results (as well as generating reports) is common across the various products in the Parasoft Test family and is described in Reviewing Results

Fine-Tuning Test Settings

To change test settings, such as what rules are checked, edit an existing Test Configuration or create a new one, then run a test using the modified/new Test Configuration. Test Configurations and all related parameters can be viewed, edited, and modified in the Test Configurations dialog. To open this dialog, go to Parasoft > Test Configurations from the menu bar. 

For the general procedure for configuring Test Configurations, see Configuring Test Configurations and Rules for Policies.

For details on Test Configuration settings available for SOAtest, see SOAtest Test Configuration Settings.

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