We've made the following updates to Selenic:

Release date: February 01, 2024

Important Notes Regarding DTP

  • DTP or License Server 2024.1 is required for licensing Selenic 2024.1.2. You must upgrade to DTP or License Server 2024.1 before upgrading to Selenic 2024.1.2 in order to license the product successfully.
  • Connections to DTP and License Server must be over HTTPS. HTTP is no longer supported.

Updated Test Impact Analysis Workflows

When configuring the Selenic agent to collect coverage during test execution, the location of your application under test and its coverage agent are now specified by a single option: coverageAgentURL, replacing the coverageAgentProtocol, coverageAgentHost, and coverageAgentPort options. See Command Line and Test Impact Analysis for more information.

The test impact analysis scripts for generating baseline coverage reports for use in test impact analysis workflows has been replaced by a coverage tool. Users will need to migrate their workflows to use the new coverage tool.

Improved Element Names in Tests Created from a Recording

This release of Selenic improves the way elements are named when creating tests from a recording, resulting in more identifiable and intuitive names for fields and other page objects.

Additional Updates

  • Added support for Apple Silicon (aarch64) processors on macOS.
  • Users can now configure a single setting directly in the command line using the -property argument. See Command Line for more information.
  • Added support for IntelliJ 2022.x and 2023.x.

  • Dropped support for Eclipse 4.8 – 2021-12 and IntelliJ 2020.1 – 2021.3.
  • Includes latest version of Selenium for automatic download of web drivers corresponding to installed browser versions

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