You can clone an existing JUnit Selenium test as a parameterized test. Literal values passed to the WebDriver sendKeys
method will be parameterized in the newly created parameterized test. Recommendations from parameterized JUnit 5 tests will be based on the last set of parameters only. Self-healing for parameterized JUnit 5 tests are not supported.
Enabling the Clone Action
The action that enables Selenic to make a clone of test and add the parameterization is enabled via system property.
Add the following system property to your eclipse.ini file after the -vmargs
entry and restart Eclipse:
- Choose Help > Edit Custom VM Options from the IntelliJ menu.
- Add the following property to the idea.vmoptions editor:
- Save your changes and restart IntelliJ.
Right-click on a test and choose Clone as Parameterized.
Literal values passed to the WebDriver sendKeys
method will be parameterized in the newly created parameterized test. The following types of values are supported:
- Inline literal values
- static constant
- enum value
- local variable with literal value passed to test method
The following test has two string values at lines 14 and 15:
/** * Name: parabank-check-account * Recording file: parabank-check-account.json * * Parasoft recorded Selenium test on Tue Jun 23 2020 15:11:20 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) */ @Test public void testParabankcheckaccount() throws Throwable { driver.get(System.getProperty("PARABANK_BASE_URL", PARABANK_BASE_URL) + "/parabank/index.htm;jsessionid=02E418F8743E5AD30034D686C5B298FC"); ParaBankWelcomeOnlineBankingPage paraBankWelcomeOnlineBankingPage = new ParaBankWelcomeOnlineBankingPage( driver); paraBankWelcomeOnlineBankingPage.setUsernameField("john"); paraBankWelcomeOnlineBankingPage.setPasswordField("demo"); paraBankWelcomeOnlineBankingPage.clickLogInButton();
The cloned parameterized test passes the values as parameters text={0}
and text={1}
/** * Parasoft Selenic: Test cloned from * com.parabank.test.checkAccountTest#testParabankcheckaccount() * * @see com.parabank.test.checkAccountTest#testParabankcheckaccount() * @author atrujillo */ @ParameterizedTest @MethodSource("testParabankcheckaccount2_Parameters") public void testParabankcheckaccount2(String text, String text2) throws Throwable { driver.get(System.getProperty("PARABANK_BASE_URL", PARABANK_BASE_URL) + "/parabank/index.htm;jsessionid=02E418F8743E5AD30034D686C5B298FC"); ParaBankWelcomeOnlineBankingPage paraBankWelcomeOnlineBankingPage = new ParaBankWelcomeOnlineBankingPage( driver); paraBankWelcomeOnlineBankingPage.setUsernameField(text); paraBankWelcomeOnlineBankingPage.setPasswordField(text2); paraBankWelcomeOnlineBankingPage.clickLogInButton(); ParaBankAccountsOverviewPage paraBankAccountsOverviewPage = new ParaBankAccountsOverviewPage(driver); paraBankAccountsOverviewPage.clickAccountsOverviewLink(); paraBankAccountsOverviewPage.clickLink(); ParaBankAccountActivityPage paraBankAccountActivityPage = new ParaBankAccountActivityPage(driver); paraBankAccountActivityPage.selectMonthDropdown("January"); paraBankAccountActivityPage.selectTransactionTypeDropdown("Credit"); paraBankAccountActivityPage.clickGoButton(); } // Parasoft Selenic: Initialize test parameters @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static Stream<Arguments> testParabankcheckaccount2_Parameters() throws Throwable { // Parameters: text={0}, text2={1} return Stream.of(arguments("john", "demo")); }