You can send test results analyzed by Selenic to Parasoft DTP, which aggregates, processes, and generates visualizations of the data. DTP applies advanced development and test analytics to the data it collects so that development managers and project members can assess the state of their software. See Viewing Results in DTP for information on viewing the data sent to DTP.

Run the selenic_analyzer.jar from the command line to send test results to DTP (see Command Line).

Global Configuration 

A connection to DTP must be configured in the file (see Licensing) to send data to DTPIf you use a network license served from DTP, Selenic will report test results to the same instance of DTP you connect to in order to retrieve a license. If you do not wish to use a network license from DTP, you can configure a local license to enable Selenic functionality, but a connection to DTP must still be configured to send test results. 

In addition to configuring the connection to DTP, you will also need to specify which DTP project should receive the data. Open the file located in the Selenic installation directory and specify the name of your project in the DTP SERVER SETTINGS section:

# Specifies host name of the DTP server.
 dtp.server=<host where DTP is running>

# Specifies port number of the DTP server.
# Commonly used values are 443 and 8443.
dtp.port=<port where DTP is running>

# Specifies user name for DTP server authentication.
dtp.user=<user name to log into DTP>

# Specifies password for DTP server authentication - use java -jar selenic_analyzer.jar -encodepass <PASSWORD> to encode the password, if needed.
dtp.password=<password to log into DTP>

# Specifies name of the DTP project (optional).
 dtp.project=<name of your project on DTP>

Set the report.dtp.publish property in the REPORTING section to true:

# === REPORTING ===

# Enables reporting test results to DTP server - be sure to configure DTP server settings.

Each test execution is associated with a build ID, which is a unique identifier used to group a set of test runs. Refer to the DTP documentation for additional information about build IDs. By default, the project name and date of the execution are used as the build ID, but you can uncomment the  property and specify your own value:

# === REPORTING ===

# Enables reporting test results to DTP server - be sure to configure DTP server settings.

# Specifies a build identifier used to label results. It may be unique for each build
# but may also label more than one test sessions that were executed during a specified build.<your custom build ID>

You can also specify a session tag to differentiate between execution environments, tested modules, etc., by uncommenting the session.tag property and specifying a value:

# === REPORTING ===

# Enables reporting test results to DTP server - be sure to configure DTP server settings.

# Specifies a build identifier used to label results. It may be unique for each build
# but may also label more than one test sessions that were executed during a specified build.<your custom build ID>

# Specifies a tag which represents an unique identifier for the run, used to distinguish it from similar runs.
# It could be constructed as minimal combination of following variables that will make it unique or specified manually.
# e.g. ${dtp_project}-${exec_env}
 session.tag=<your custom session tag>

By default, the DTP Project name and execution environment (operating system and architecture) are used.

Do not confuse the session tag with the session ID. The session tag is an identifier used to segment data in DTP reporting interfaces, whereas the session ID is a used by the Selenic analyzer to differentiate between test run data collected by the Selenic agent. 

Publishing Results from the Command Line

You can also use the -publish flag in your command line to configure Selenic to publish results to DTP for each execution of the selenic_analyzer.jar file (see Command Line). You must still configure the connection to DTP, however, as well as the dtp.project property in the file.     

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