What if I encounter issues with displaying the RuleWizard UI on Linux?

If you are experiencing issues with displaying the RuleWizard UI, then check if your Linux distribution uses a Wayland display server. If you use a Wayland display server, we recommend changing it to X11.

You can verify what display server your Linux distribution is using by:

  • executing the following command in the Linux terminal: "echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE" (working in most distributions)
  • checking the desktop environment settings (not available in all distributions)
  • checking the current setting on the login screen, usually by clicking the wheel/cog/menu icon on the login screen (not available in all distributions; the Automatic Login feature needs to be turned off)
  • checking the Windowing System field on the Settings/About page

You can change your display server to X11 by:

  • editing the display manager (GDM, SDDM, etc.) configuration file, e.g. /etc/gdm3/custom.conf for Ubuntu with GDM (a reboot is required)
  • clicking the wheel/cog/menu icon on the login screen and choosing X11 (not available in all distributions; the Automatic Login feature needs to be turned off)
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