In this section:


This release includes the following updates.

Updated License Server UI

The new License Server interface creates a more unified experience for users. It also introduces the v2 licensing service, which is currently in beta. The beta licensing service adds support for serving licenses in Docker environments.

Enhanced Support for OIDC 

You can now specify OIDC scopes attributes and specify claims in the DTP oidc.json configuration file. This provides greater flexibility for configuring DTP to work with your OIDC provider. The usernameAttribute has been deprecated but is still supported. 

Additional Updates

  • Beta support for licenses in dockerized environments
  • License Server now ships with Tomcat 9.0.45
  • Addressed log4j vulnerability CVE-2021-44228 in version 2021.1.2

FRs and PRs

LS-1389User removed from group does not lose license
LS-1414Use case sensitive setting when filtering licenses by username


  • License Server can now be configured to authenticate against User Administration (pstsec) using OIDC.
  • License Server can now serve license tokens when a requesting tool has been configured to borrow a token. 
  • The Tomcat web server shipped with License Server has been upgraded to 9.0.38.

Known Issues

Upgrading to 2020.2 on Windows changes the machine ID for the host running License Server. As a result, licenses stored and served from License Server become invalid. If License Server contains invalid licenses after upgrading, contact your Parasoft representative to obtain new licenses. 


The versioning scheme has been updated to a YYYY.release format.

License Server installation is now split across two directories: 

  • the app directory contains the Tomcat server, startup and shutdown scripts, and other files responsible for running License Server.
  • the data directory contains configuration files, logs, and other data files.

This structure facilitates greater reliability when deploying License Server to containerized systems, such as Docker.  

The License Usage API has been updated to return rejected license requests.

FRs and PRs

The following FRs and PRs were resolved in this release.

LS-582Request for license API to return user IP addresses and list of denied license requests
LS-572License usage report: show rejected licenses
LS-429LDAP groups in LS - allow LS user to operate on LDAP groups


Initial release.

The ability to delegate license requests from Parasoft tools to another instance of License Server or DTP was removed.

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