In this section:


All files for License Server 5.4.3 and older installed into a single directory, but the current version of License Server installs into two main directories:

  • the application directory that contains binaries, the web server, and other files,
  • and a data directory that contains configuration files and data.

In this documentation, <LS_INSTALL> refers to the application directory location and <LS_DATA_DIR> refers to the data directory location for both operating systems. 

User Administration Configuration File

License Server includes the PSTSecConfig.xml file, which contains configuration settings for the User Administration module. 

License Server 2020.1 ships with a single PSTSecConfig.xml in the <LS_DATA_DIR>/conf directory.

License Server 5.4.3 and older ships with two instances of the PSTSecConfig.xml file:

  • The PSTSecConfig.xml file located in the <INSTALL>/tomcat/LicenseServer/conf/ file directory contains configurations for License Server.
  • The PSTSecConfig.xml file located in the <INSTALL>/tomcat/webapps/pstsec/conf file directory contains configurations for User Administration (pstsec).

If you made changes to either or both PSTSecConfig.xml files for License Server 5.4.3 or older, you will need to make corresponding changes in the single PSTSecConfig.xml file after upgrading.

Upgrading from License Server 5.4.3 and Older

The following instructions describe how to upgrade from License Server 5.4.3 and older.


  1. Run the stopLS.bat script as an administrator for the License Server you are upgrading from.
  2. Unzip the latest License Server to a temporary directory.
  3. Open a command prompt and navigate to the <LS_TEMP>/app directory.
  4. Run the upgrade.bat script as an administrator with the -o option and specify the path to the old version of License Server: -o <absolute_path_to_old_LS_install_dir>

    You can also run the script with the -h option to print the script help to the console.

  5. The script makes a backup of the existing installation and updates the old installation location with the latest version.
  6. Delete the temporary directory (step 1).


  1. Run the script as an administrator for the License Server you are upgrading from.
  2. Unzip the latest License Server to a temporary directory.
  3. Open a command prompt and navigate to the <LS_TEMP>/app directory.
  4. Run the script as an administrator with the -o option and specify the path to the old version of License Server:

     ./ -o <absolute_path_to_old_LS_install_dir>

    You can also run the script with the -h option to print the script help to the console.

  5. The script makes a backup of the existing installation and updates the old installation location with the latest version.
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