In this section:


The License Server host machine should meet the following minimum hardware requirements:

  • RAM: 2GB
  • Disk space: 1GB

License Server Structure

The License Server distribution contains an app directory and a data directory. This structure facilitates greater reliability when deploying License Server to containerized systems, such as Docker.  

  • The app directory contains the Tomcat server, startup and shutdown scripts, and other files responsible for running License Server.
  • The data directory contains log files, configuration files, and other files responsible for ensuring that License Server runs as intended.  

Deploying License Server

You can install License Server on your machine from the .zip distribution.

  1. Extract the contents of the installation package to any location. The <LS_INSTALL>/app directory includes the JRE, Tomcat, and scripts for starting and stopping the server.
  2. Run the startLS script as an administrator to launch License Server. The application will run on Tomcat shipped in the installation package.
  3. Open your machine URL in your browser with one of the following port: http://[machine]:8080 or https://[machine]:8843 . The default URL on a local machine is http://localhost:8080 or https://localhost:8843 . The License Server interface will open.
  4. Log into License Server.
    (info) The default user name and password is admin/admin. We recommend changing the default once you log in; see Managing Users.

(info) You can run the stopLS script located in the 'license-server' directory to stop License Server.

Deploying License Server to a Custom Tomcat Server

By default, License Server is deployed to Tomcat that is shipped with the product. If you want to deploy License Server to your own instance of Tomcat, copy the licenseserver and pstsec directories from <LS_INSTALL>/app/tomcat/webapps to the webapps folder on the Tomcat server where you want to deploy License Server.


Deploying License Server to a custom Tomcat has the following prerequisites:

  • Linux or Windows
  • Tomcat 8.5
  • Java 8
  • Oracle JDK 8

Deploying Licenser Server Inside a Docker Image

License Server cannot be re-deployed or hosted by another Docker environment once you run it inside a Docker container. Use the following command to start a container from the image the first time:

docker run -i -t <image> 

You will need to include the container ID to stop and start the Docker container hosting License Server. Use the following command to get the container ID based on the image from Docker.

docker ps 

Run the following command to shut the container down:

docker stop <containerId> 

Run the following command to start the container back up:

docker start <containerId> 

Removing the Docker container and spawning a new container from the image, even with mapped persistent storage, is not supported.

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