推奨事項のタイプ: 新規アサーション
設定可能: いいえ
フィルター カテゴリアサーション
この推奨事項は、[トラック] オプションを使用してコードを実行し、アクセス可能なフィールドに対して利用可能な新しいアサーションが検出された場合に表示されます。詳細については「オブジェクトの変更の追跡とアサーションの作成」を参照してください。
public class TrackableMethodExample { private List<String> coll = Arrays.asList("s1", "s2", "s3", "", null); private Map<String, String> aMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); private int [] aInts = { 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5 }; private Integer [] aBigInts = { 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5 }; private String [] aStrings = { "a", "b", null, "d", "a long string, just long enough to be slightly shortened"}; private State [] aStates = null; protected int id = 0; protected String label = null; private ResultStatus lastChangeStatus = null; private ResultStatus lastChangeStatusDupe = null; En enumField = En.E1; public TrackableMethodExample(State initialState) { aStates = new State [] { initialState }; aMap.put("foo", "bar"); } public int getId(){/*an odd getter*/return/*an odd getter*/ id/*an odd getter*/;/*an odd getter*/} public String getLabel() { return label; } public ResultStatus changeState(State newState) { aStates = new State [] { aStates[0], newState }; aMap.put("hello", "world"); id = newState.newId; label = newState.newLabel; lastChangeStatus = new ResultStatus(); enumField = En.E2; return lastChangeStatus; } public <E> List<E> genericList(List<E> aGenericList) { return aGenericList; } public static final class State { public final String newLabel; public final int newId; public State(String newLabel, int newId) { this.newLabel = newLabel; this.newId = newId; } } public static final class ResultStatus { Object o1 = null; Object o2 = new Object(); } public enum En { E1, E2 } } public class TrackableMethodExampleTest { @Test public void testChangeState() throws Exception { State initialState = new State("state", 2); // Given TrackableMethodExample underTest = new TrackableMethodExample(initialState); // When State newState = new State("state changed", 10); ResultStatus result = underTest.changeState(newState); Assert.assertNotNull(result); } }