In this release, we've added new features, functionality, and improvements to Unit Test Assistant (UTA).

Unit Test Assistant Enhancements

Support for Bulk Creation of Spring Tests

We've added support for creating multiple Spring tests to help you optimize the Spring test creation process; see Creating Test Suites.

Added Support for Factory Methods During Test Creation

You can now configure UTA to use the factory methods that are available in your code to further increase efficiency and productivity of the test creation process. We've added a new dedicated Factory Methods View to the UTA interface that allows you to review and manage the factory methods that will be used during test generation. See Configuring Factory Methods.

Added Multiple UTA Views

The Unit Test Assistant interface has been split into individual views to let you more conveniently create, enhance and run your tests with UTA; see Enabling the Unit Test Assistant Interface.

Other Enhancements

  • We've added a new UI option to improve performance. Now Jtest can launch on IDE startup to speed up the first analysis; see Enabling and Configuring the Engine.
  • We've extended our support for the OWASP standard and added the new OWASP Top 10 2017 built-in configuration.

Extended Support for Platforms, IDEs, and Build Systems

  • Support for Windows Server 2016
  • Support for IntelliJ 2017.2 and 2017.3
  • Support for Gradle 4.3

Updated Code Analysis Rules


Resolved Bugs and FRs

Bug/FR IDDescription
FA-4779Java graph elements do not contain information about implicit casting
FA-4830PB.ARRAY false positives due to missing model for String.Length property
FA-5721BD.PB.REVOBJ false negative violation when exception is thrown and caught before field is assigned.
FA-5742BD.SECURITY.SENS false positives when resource is assigned to a class' field
FA-5760Update BD-TRS-DLOCK to not report when the 2nd lock is done using pthread_mutex_trylock (or any other functions with similar functionality)
FA-5768BD.SECURITY.PRIVIL does not report on numerical data
FA-5784BD-TRS-ORDER does not report on synchronized blocks/methods
FA-5814 Change name of the "Unwanted dangerous methods" parameter for BD.SECURITY.EACM rule and update its documentation
FA-5877BD.TRS.ORDER does not report on synchronized(Class) block
FA-5901BD.RES.FREE false positive with try-with-resources
JT-47383Empty testing scope
JT-48673Compilation failure on the attached interdependent projects
JT-50936CDD.DUPS not reporting some violations when source file contains Japanese characters
JT-69294Custom rule from 9.6 throws false positives in 10.3.2
JT-69500Gradle plugin - problem with dependencies
JT-69651Rules CODSTA.BP.DLSF and CODSTA.BP.AUMLarenot compatible with 9.6 configuration
JT-69652FORMAT.MO reports annotation comments as a incorrectly placed modifier
JT-69676Question about rule UC.UIMPORT for classes implementing the interfaces
UTA-498Getting null pointer exception when running.
UTA-499Able to run Unit Tests but not getting results and an exception is being thrown.
UTA-1284UTA failing on tests that have Oracle ojdbc8.jar in them.
UTA-1681When no parameters are generated - add an informative comment.
UTA-1682 Generated bean method name contains type parameters.
UTA-1683Don't create Bean method for Environment and other built-in Spring Beans.
UTA-1693Exception thrown when generating tests for uncompiled project.
XT-10181Value input for hours drops by one causes unable to borrow license.
XT-34419Importing findings from IDE by project doesn't work. 
XT-34610Default different than what is in documentation.
XT-34642Parasoft Jenkins plugin gets stuck when being executed as part of pipeline project.
XT-34944Calculating different session tags for the subsequent builds
XT-34960DTP highlights incorrect line for the violation.
XT-34977Incorrect session tag was included in the report - no scBranch parameter
XT-34985SVN server port is not properly passed to the engine.
XT-34995Possible issues with metadata processor.

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