Release date: April 17, 2020

In this release, we've focused on extending support for environments and enhancing Jtest's unit testing capabilities,.

Support for IDEs

We've added support for the following IDEs:

  • Eclipse 2019-12 (4.14)
  • Eclipse 2020-03 (4.15)
  • IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2
  • IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3

IntelliJ 2020.1 is not currently supported.

Support for Source Control Management Systems

We've added support for:

  • Git 1.8, 1.9, 2.x
  • SVN 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13
  • Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2017, 2018, 2019

See Deprecated Support for Environments and Systems for information about deprecated and removed support for source control management systems.

Support for Platforms

We've added support for:

  • OS X 10.14 Mojave
  • OS X 10.15 Catalina

Enhanced Unit Testing

Unit Test Assistant Enhancements

  • UTA can now perform data-flow analysis to give you more robust recommendations on how to cover uncovered code lines.
  • You can now exclude packages and classes from monitoring during test execution with UTA.  This will help you avoid exceeding the limits for method calls during test execution. See Configuring Preferences for details.

Test Impact Analysis for JUnit 5 Tests

We've extended support for the JUnit 5 framework. You can now perform test impact analysis for JUnit 5 tests executed with Maven or Gradle.

Optimized Performance for JUnit 4 and 5 Test Execution

You can now configure Jtest to optimize performance of test execution. This will dramatically reduce the time required to calculate results and coverage data for JUnit 4 and 5 tests, as well as help you improve the consistency of results between different versions of a build system. See Running Unit Tests for details.

Extended Security Compliance Pack

The Security Pack now supports CWE 4.0. In addition, we've enhanced support for CWE Top 25 2019 and On the Cusp guidelines by adding new rules and updating the existing test configurations. See New and Updated Test Configurations below for details.

New Versioning Convention

All Parasoft products, including Jtest, now follow a new versioning scheme: YYYY.release

New and Updated Test Configurations

We've added a new test configuration to help you detect weaknesses identified in Common Weaknesses Enumeration (CWE) 4.0:

  • CWE 4.0

We've updated the following test configurations to extend support for security standards:

  • CWE Top 25 2019
  • ​CWE Top 25 + On the Cusp 2019
  • Flow Analysis Aggressive
  • Flow Analysis Standard
  • OWASP Top 10-2017
  • UL 2900

Removed Test Configurations

  • CWE 3.4

New and Updated Static Analysis Rules

The following rules have been added:

Rule IDHeader
BD.SECURITY.SENSLOGAvoid passing sensitive data to functions that write to log files
BD.SECURITY.TDALLOCValidate potentially tainted data before it is used to determine the size of memory allocation
SECURITY.WSC.HTTPRHADo not rely on IP addresses obtained from HTTP request headers for authentication
SECURITY.WSC.JXCORSRestrict cross-origin resource sharing to secure origins

The following static analysis rules have been updated to improve analysis results:






The output messages of the following rules have been updated, and as a result, suppressions associated with these rules on DTP may no longer be available:


Other Enhancements

  • We've added support for Gradle 6.0 - 6.3.
  • We've improved performance of static analysis. Jtest can now more effectively collect and reuse project-related information to reduce execution times of rules that work on a global scope.
  • You can now specify a context path when configuring connection to DTP.

Deprecated Support for Environments and Systems

Support for the following environments and systems is now deprecated and will be removed in future releases.

Windows 7

Support for Windows 7 is deprecated, following the system's EOL.


Support for all versions of NetBeans IDE is deprecated

Source Control Management Systems

Support for the following SCMs is deprecated:

  • AccuRev
  • ClearCase
  • CVS
  • Serena Dimensions
  • StarTeam
  • Synergy CM
  • Visual Source Safe

In addition, we've removed support for Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010.

Java 6

Support for Java 6 and lower is deprecated. In consequence, support environments that require Java 6 or lower will be removed for future releases.

Resolved Bugs and FRs

Bug/FR IDDescription
JT-72013Command Line Exit Code when the analysis scope is empty
JT-72015Improve performance of global analysis
JT-72067PB.CUB.UEIC false positive
JT-72081EVAL - Question about results from CWE.400.DMDS
JT-72105EVAL - Violations on constructor from CWE.749.DPAM
JT-72402FORMAT.CBRACE potential false positive
JT-72541Review problems with JUNIT.AUL and JUNIT.RPL5
UTA-4268Jtest cannot trace mock object on the attached case.
UTA-4377Non-localized "Unable to detect the testing framework" message in dialog.
UTA-4902No deep setup when generating Spring tests on non-handler method
UTA-5056Wrong formatting and missing javadoc for Clone method action in IntelliJ.
XT-36582Parasoft Plugin does not work with some versions of Eclipse and Netbeans when run with Java 11
XT-37673Static analysis run from IDE quits due to missing Command Line feature
XT-37692 Engine license generated by IDE can be different depends on Java or IKVM version.

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