This section provides information about the Jtest goals for Maven and their parameters. The following goals are available:


Full name: com.parasoft.jtest:jtest-maven-plugin:2020.1.0:jtest

This goal should be used as a Maven report. It collects the build data and executes Jtest with the configured parameters (see Configuring the Jtest Plugin for Maven). It is called at the end of the build session and collects the aggregated data of every project. The goal works as an aggregator, which means it is not tied to a build lifecycle phase.


  • Requires a Maven project to be executed.
  • Executes as an aggregator plugin.
  • Requires dependency resolution of artifacts in scope: compile.
  • Since version: 1.0.0


NameAccepted values / data typeSinceDescription
compilationPlexusConfiguration1.0.4A description of manual configuration data (see Manual Customization of Compilation Data)
compilationsPlexusConfiguration1.0.4A list of descriptions of manual configuration data (see Manual Customization of Compilation Data)

The name of a built-in, DTP, or user-defined test configuration.

User property is: jtest.config


Allows you to manually update compilation data collected from the build.

User property is: jtest.dataUpdate


Specifies a subset of files or packages from the selected resources that will be excluded from analysis. You can provide the qualified names or use Ant glob patterns to match more filenames.

User property is: jtest.exclude


A list of exclude parameters.

User property is: jtest.excludes

excludeTestSourcestrue | false1.1.0

Excludes test source code from analysis.

Default value is: true

User property is: jtest.excludeTestSources.

failtrue | false


Fails the build if any violation is reported.

Default value is: false

User property is:

forceTestReportsImporttrue | false

Ensures that test results are imported from the default location if the Jtest Plugin fails to recognize the existing test plugin (for example, Surefire) in the Maven environment.

Default value is: false

User property is: jtest.forceTestReportsImport


Specifies the Jtest installation directory.

User property is: jtest.home



A list of ignored compilation IDs.

User property is: jtest.ignoredids


Specifies a subset of files or packages from the selected resources that will be included during analysis.

User property is: jtest.include


A list of include parameters.

User property is: jtest.includes


The project name template. This parameter allows you to configure the pattern with the options [groupId], [artifactId], [version], and [basedir].

User property is: jtest.projectNameTemplate

publishtrue | false1.0.0

Enables reporting results of local analysis to the DTP server.

User property is: jtest.publish


Specifies the directory where the report will be created.

User property is:


Specifies the input scope for analysis. If no resources are specified, Jtest will analyze resources from every built project.

User property is: jtest.resource


A list of resource parameters.

User property is: jtest.resources


An absolute or relative path to the *properties file that includes custom configuration settings.

User property is: jtest.settings


A list of settings parameters.

User property is: jtest.settingsList

showDetailstrue | false1.0.0

Displays detailed progress information.

User property is: jtest.showdetails

showSettingstrue | false1.0.0

Prints the current settings and customizations.

User property is: jtest.showsettings

skiptrue | false1.1.0

Allows you to skip the Jtest execution phase. If set to true, only the data file is generated.

Default value is: false

User property is: jtest.skip

Parameter Details


A description of manual configuration data (see Manual Customization of Compilation Data).

  • Type: org.codehaus.plexus.configuration.PlexusConfiguration
  • Since: 1.0.4
  • Required: No


A list of descriptions of manual configuration data (see Manual Customization of Compilation Data)

  • Type: org.codehaus.plexus.configuration.PlexusConfiguration
  • Since: 1.0.4
  • Required: No


The name of a test configuration. The following configuration types are supported:

  • built-in test configurations, for example "builtin://Recommended Rules"
  • dtp test configurations, for example "dtp://New Config"
  • user-defined test configurations, for example "user://Your Config"

User-defined test configurations should be stored in the [INSTALL_DIR]/configs/user directory as *.properties files.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0.0
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.config


Allows you to manually update compilation data collected from the build.

  • Supported actions: prepend, append, and set.
  • Supported data types: classpath, bootpath, sourcepath, resourcepath, binarypath, sourcecode (set only) and encoding (set only)
  • Scope: all collected projects data will be updated
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.2.9
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.dataUpdate

See Manual Customization of Compilation Data and Compilation Data Model for details.


Specifies a subset of files or packages from the selected resources that will be excluded from analysis. You can provide the qualified names. You can use glob patterns to match more filenames.

Example 1: The following pattern excludes all files from com.parasoft package and its sub-packages: /com/parasoft/**

Example 2: The following pattern excludes all files from the package com.parasoft.jtest, but NOT from its sub-packages: /com/parasoft/jtest/*

Example 3: The following pattern excludes all files from the given directory and all subdirectories: path:/home/user/project/src/test/java/**

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0.0
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.exclude


Excludes test source code from analysis.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.1.0
  • Required: No
  • Default: true
  • User property: jtest.excludeTestSources


A list of exclude parameters. Can be configured by property since Maven 3.0.3.

  • Type: java.lang.String[]
  • Since: 1.1.0
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.excludes


Fails the build if any violation is reported.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0.0
  • Required: No
  • Default: false
  • User property:


Ensures that test results are imported from the default location if the Jtest Plugin fails to recognize the existing test plugin (for example, Surefire) in the Maven environment.

We recommend using this parameter with the "clean" goal to prevent the Jtest Plugin from importing test results from previous executions.

  • Type: java.lang.Boolean
  • Since: 1.0.0
  • Required: No
  • Default: false
  • User property: jtest.forceTestReportsImport


Jtest installation directory.

  • Type:
  • Since: 1.1.0
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.home


A list of ignored compilation IDs. Supported by Maven since 3.0.3.

  • Type: java.lang.String[]
  • Since: 1.0.4
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.ignoredids


Seocifies a subset of files or packages form the selected resources that will be included during analysis. You can use glob patterns to match more filenames.

Example 1: The following pattern includes all files from com.parasoft package and its sub-packages: /com/parasoft/**

Example 2: The following pattern includes all files from the package com.parasoft.jtest, but NOT from its sub-packages: /com/parasoft/jtest/*

Example 3: The following pattern includes all files from the given directory and all subdirectories: path:/home/user/project/src/test/java/**

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0.0
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.include


A list of include parameters. Can be configured by property since Maven 3.0.3.

  • Type: java.lang.String[]
  • Since: 1.1.0
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.includes


The project name template. By default, the following pattern is used to create project names in json: :"groupId:artifactId ". This parameter allows you to configure the pattern with the options [groupId], [artifactId], [version] and [basedir], for example, to make a project name compatible with the project name in Eclipse.

If you change the pattern for a project that has already been integrated with DTP, DTP will not recognize your project. It will assume that your project after the change of the pattern is a different project. For details, see the DTP documentation.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0.0
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.projectNameTemplate


Enables reporting results of local analysis to the DTP server.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0.0
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.publish


  • Type:
  • Since: 1.0.0
  • Required: No
  • User property:


Specifies the input scope for analysis. If no resources are specified, Jtest will analyze resources from every built project.

Use the following pattern to specify the paths: ${ProjectName}/my/src/dir/my/package/". You can use the following wildcards:

  • ? - matches one character
  • * - matches zero or more characters, except the path separator (the / character)
  • ** - matches entire paths, including the path separator (the / character)

(info) The Jtest Plugin for Maven resolves ${ProjectName} to ${artifactId}:${groupId}.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0.0
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.resource


A list of resource parameters. Can be configured by property since Maven 3.0.3.

  • Type: java.lang.String[]
  • Since: 1.1.0
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.resources


An absolute or relative path to the *properties file that includes custom configuration settings.

Some of the setting names may not be consistent with the settings dedicated for the build system plugins. See Configuration Settings for details.

  • Type:
  • Since: 1.0.0
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.settings


A list of settings parameters. Supported by Maven since 3.0.3. Can be configured by property since Maven 3.0.3.

  • Type:[]
  • Since: 1.0.0
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.settingsList


Displays detailed progress information.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: jtest.showdetails


Prints the current settings and customizations along with the information where each of them is configured (e.g. in the file).

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0.0
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.showsettings


Allows you to skip the Jtest execution phase. If set to true, only the data file is generated.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.1.0
  • Required: No
  • Default: false
  • User property: jtest.skip


Full name: com.parasoft.jtest:jtest-maven-plugin:2020.1.0:agent

This goal generates the Jtest Agent settings based on the build modules, and sets the javaagent VM agument in the properties specified with the agentPropertyNames parameter.

By default, it tries to inject javaagent VmArg into maven-surefire-plugin and eclipse-test-plugin through specific properties.

Command Line Execution

Ensure that tests and classes are compiled before executing the jtest:agent goal from command line (the test-compile phase).


  • Requires a Maven project to be executed.
  • Requires dependency resolution of artifacts in scope: compile.
  • Since version: 1.2.4
  • Binds by default to the lifecycle phase: process-test-classes

Required Parameters

NameAccepted values / data typeSinceDescription
autostartAgenttrue | false1.0.7

A switch to automatically enable collecting coverage.

Default value is: true

User property is: jtest.autostartAgent


Jtest installation directory. Configuring this parameter is required to run jtestcli and to access the Jtest Agent library.

User property is: jtest.home

NameAccepted values / data typeSinceDescription

A comma-separated list of properties that pass Jtest Agent JVM arguments.

Default value is: argLine,tycho.testArgLine

User property is: jtest.agentPropertyNames

agentServerEnabledtrue | false1.2.4

Allows you to enable the Agent server.

Default value is: false

User property is: jtest.agentServerEnabled


The path to the location where agent settings will be generated.

Default value is: ${}/jtest/

User property is: jtest.agentSettings


A set of parameters that allow you to configure collecting coverage.

  • jtest.coverage.skip - Disables collecting coverage.
  • jtest.coverage.includes - <Glob> patterns to include classes. Coverage information will be collected.
  • jtest.coverage.excludes - <Glob> patterns to exclude classes. Coverage information will not be collected.
  • jtest.coverage.testIncludes - <Glob> patterns to include test classes. Test cases will be assigned with coverage.
  • jtest.coverage.testExcludes - <Glob> patterns to exclude test classes. Test cases will not be assigned with coverage.
enableJacocotrue | false2021.1.0

Allows you to enable or disable line collecting coverage with the Jacoco engine.

Default value is: false

User property is: jtest.enableJacoco


A list of ignored compilation IDs.

User property is: jtest.ignoredids


The project name template.

User property is: jtest.projectNameTemplate.

Parameter Details


A comma-separated list of properties that pass Jtest Agent JVM arguments.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.2.4
  • Required: No
  • User Property: jtest.agentPropertyNames
  • Default: argLine,tycho.testArgLine


A switch that allows you to enable the Agent server.

  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.2.4
  • Required: No
  • User Property: jtest.agentServerEnabled
  • Default: false


The path to the location where agent settings will be generated. You can provide either an absolute path or a path relative to the ${}/jtest directory. The default location is ${}/jtest/ If you provide a path to an already existing file, the file will be overwritten.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.2.2
  • Required: No
  • User Property: jtest.agentSettings
  • Default:


A switch to automatically enable collecting coverage.

  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.0.7
  • Required: Yes
  • User Property: jtest.autostartAgent
  • Default: true


A set of parameters that allow you to configure collecting coverage.

  • jtest.coverage.skip - Disables collecting coverage.

The following parameters specify classes that will be instrumented (coverage will be collected only for instrumented classes):

  • jtest.coverage.includes - <Glob> patterns to include classes. Coverage information will be collected.
  • jtest.coverage.excludes - <Glob> patterns to exclude classes. Coverage information will not be collected.

The following parameters specify test classes that will be instrumented (individual instrumented test cases will be assigned with coverage information):

  • jtest.coverage.testIncludes - <Glob> patterns to include test classes. Test cases will be assigned with coverage.
  • jtest.coverage.testExcludes - <Glob> patterns to exclude test classes. Test cases will not be assigned with coverage.

  • Type: com.parasoft.jtest.plugin.CoverageConfig
  • Since: 1.2.4
  • Required: No


  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 2021.1.0
  • Required: No
  • Default: false
  • User Property: jtest.enableJacoco


Jtest installation directory. Configuring this parameter is required to run jtestcli and to access the Jtest Agent library.

  • Type:
  • Since: 1.1.0
  • Required: Yes
  • User Property: jtest.home


A list of ignored compilation IDs.

  • Type: java.lang.String[]
  • Since: 1.0.4
  • Required: No
  • User Property: jtest.ignoredids


The project name template. You can create your own template for creating the project name in json. The following options are available: [groupId], [artifactId], [version], [basedir].

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.2.4
  • Required: No
  • User Property: jtest.projectNameTemplate


Full name: com.parasoft.jtest:jtest-maven-plugin:2020.1.0:monitor

This goal should be used as a Maven report. It scans the build to generate settings for the Jtest Java Agent, and creates a monitor package in location specified with the monitorLocation parameter.

The monitor package contains the following:

  • static_coverage.xml - the file that contains static coverage information
  • agent.jar - the Jtest Java coverage agent jar archive
  • - the agent settings file that contains scope parameters generated during the build process and other attributes
  • - the script that generates the Jtest Java agent VM arguments necessary to monitor the application
  • opentelemetry-javaagent.jar and jtest-otel-ext.jar - files used in multiuser coverage mode: the original OpenTelemetry Java agent and the Jtest extension for it. This extension collects data necessary to assign collected coverage to a particular user. The files are copied from the <INSTALL_DIR>/integration/coverage directory.

Command Line Execution

Ensure that tests and classes are compiled before executing the jtest:monitor goal from command line (the compile phase).


  • Requires a Maven project to be executed.
  • Executes as an aggregator plugin.
  • Requires dependency resolution of artifacts in scope: compile.
  • Since version: 1.2.4

Optional Parameters

NameAccepted values / data typeSinceDescription
agentServerEnabledtrue | false1.2.4

A switch that allows you to enable the Agent server.

Default value is: true

User property is: jtest.agentServerEnabled

autostartAgenttrue | false1.0.7

A switch to automatically enable collecting coverage.

Default value is: true

User property is: jtest.autostartAgent

compilationPlexusConfiguration1.0.4A description of manual configuration data (see Manual Customization of Compilation Data)
compilationsPlexusConfiguration1.0.4A list of descriptions of manual configuration data (see Manual Customization of Compilation Data)

The coverage configuration block. You can nest the following parameters:

  • jtest.coverage.includes - <Glob> patterns to include classes. Coverage information will be collected.
  • jtest.coverage.excludes - <Glob> patterns to exclude classes. Coverage information will not be collected.
  • jtest.coverage.skip - (Boolean) Disables collecting coverage if enabled.

Glob patterns are matched to relative paths of *.class files from classpath (the path separator: / )


Allows you to manually update compilation data collected from the build.

User property is: jtest.dataUpdate

enableJacocotrue | false

Allows you to enable or disable line collecting coverage with the Jacoco engine.

Default value is: false

User property is: jtest.enableJacoco


Specifies a subset of files or packages from the selected resources that will be excluded from analysis. You can provide the qualified names, or use Ant glob patterns to match more filenames.

User property is: jtest.exclude



A list of exclude parameters.

User property is: jtest.excludes


Specifies the Jtest installation directory.

User property is: jtest.home


A list of ignored compilation IDs.

User property is: jtest.ignoredids


Specifies a subset of files or packages form the selected resources that will be included during analysis.

User property is: jtest.include


A list of include parameters.

User property is: jtest.includes


The path to the location where the monitor package will be created.

Default value is: ${}/jtest/monitor/

User property is: jtest.monitorLocation


The project name template.

User property is: jtest.projectNameTemplate

publishtrue | false1.0.0

Enables reporting results of local analysis to the DTP server.

User property is: jtest.publish


Specifies the input scope for analysis. If no resources are specified, Jtest will analyze resources from every built project.

User property is: jtest.resource


A list of resource parameters.

User property is: jtest.resources


An absolute or relative path to the *properties file that includes custom configuration settings.

User property is: jtest.settings


A list of settings parameters.

User property is: jtest.settingsList

showDetailstrue | false1.0.0

Displays detailed progress information.

User property is: jtest.showdetails

showSettingstrue | false1.0.0

Prints the current settings and customizations.

User property is: jtest.showsettings

skiptrue | false1.1.0

Allows you to skip the Jtest execution phase. If set to true, only the data file is generated.

Default value is: false

User property is: jtest.skip

Parameter Details


A switch that allows you to enable the Agent server.

  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.2.4
  • Required: No
  • User Property: jtest.agentServerEnabled
  • Default: true


A switch to automatically enable collecting coverage.

  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.0.7
  • Required: Yes
  • User Property: jtest.autostartAgent
  • Default: true


A description of manual configuration data (see Manual Customization of Compilation Data).

  • Type: org.codehaus.plexus.configuration.PlexusConfiguration
  • Since: 1.0.4
  • Required: No


A list of descriptions of manual configuration data (see Manual Customization of Compilation Data)

  • Type: org.codehaus.plexus.configuration.PlexusConfiguration
  • Since: 1.0.4
  • Required: No


  • jtest.coverage.skip - Disables collecting coverage.

The following parameters specify classes that will be instrumented (coverage will be collected only for instrumented classes):

  • jtest.coverage.includes - <Glob> patterns to include classes. Coverage information will be collected.
  • jtest.coverage.excludes - <Glob> patterns to exclude classes. Coverage information will not be collected.

Glob patterns are matched to relative paths of *.class files from classpath (the path separator: / )

  • Type: com.parasoft.jtest.plugin.CoverageConfig
  • Since: 1.2.4
  • Required: No


Allows you to manually update compilation data collected from the build.

  • Supported actions: prepend, append, and set.
  • Supported data types: classpath, bootpath, sourcepath, resourcepath, binarypath, sourcecode (set only) and encoding (set only)
  • Scope: all collected projects data will be updated
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.2.9
  • Required: No
  • User property:jtest.dataUpdate

See Manual Customization of Compilation Data and Compilation Data Model for details.


  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 2021.1.0
  • Required: No
  • Default: false
  • User Property: jtest.enableJacoco


Specifies a subset of files or packages from the selected resources that will be excluded from analysis. You can provide the qualified names. You can use glob patterns to match more filenames.

Example 1: The following pattern excludes all files from com.parasoft package and its sub-packages: /com/parasoft/**

Example 2: The following pattern excludes all files from the package com.parasoft.jtest, but NOT from its sub-packages: /com/parasoft/jtest/*

Example 3: The following pattern excludes all files from the given directory and all subdirectories: path:/home/user/project/src/test/java/**

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0.0
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.exclude


A list of exclude parameters. Can be configured by property since Maven 3.0.3.

  • Type: java.lang.String[]
  • Since: 1.1.0
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.excludes


Jtest installation directory.

  • Type:
  • Since: 1.1.0
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.home


A list of ignored compilation IDs. Supported by Maven since 3.0.3.

  • Type: java.lang.String[]
  • Since: 1.0.4
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.ignoredids


Specifies a subset of files or packages from the selected resources that will be included during analysis. You can use glob patterns to match more filenames.

Example 1: The following pattern includes all files from com.parasoft package and its sub-packages: /com/parasoft/**

Example 2: The following pattern includes all files from the package com.parasoft.jtest, but NOT from its sub-packages: /com/parasoft/jtest/*

Example 3: The following pattern includes all files from the given directory and all subdirectories: path:/home/user/project/src/test/java/**

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0.0
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.include


A list of include parameters. Can be configured by property since Maven 3.0.3.

  • Type: java.lang.String[]
  • Since: 1.1.0
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.includes


The path to the location where the monitor package will be created.

  • Type:
  • Since: 1.2.4
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.monitorLocation
  • Default: ${}/jtest/monitor/


The project name template. By default, the following pattern is used to create project names in json: :"groupId:artifactId ". This parameter allows you to configure the pattern with the options [groupId], [artifactId], [version] and [basedir], for example, to make a project name compatible with the project name in Eclipse.

If you change the pattern for a project that has already been integrated with DTP, DTP will not recognize your project. It will assume that your project after the change of the pattern is a different project. For details, see the DTP documentation.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.2.4
  • Required: No
  • User Property: jtest.projectNameTemplate


Enables reporting results of local analysis to the DTP server.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0.0
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.publish


Specifies the input scope for analysis. If no resources are specified, Jtest will analyze resources from every built project.

Use the following pattern to specify the paths: ${ProjectName}/my/src/dir/my/package/". You can use the following wildcards:

  • ? - matches one character
  • * - matches zero or more characters, except the path separator (the / character)
  • ** - matches entire paths, including the path separator (the / character)

(info) The Jtest Plugin for Maven resolves ${ProjectName} to ${artifactId}:${groupId}.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0.0
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.resource


A list of resource parameters. Can be configured by property since Maven 3.0.3.

  • Type: java.lang.String[]
  • Since: 1.1.0
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.resources


An absolute or relative path to the *properties file that includes custom configuration settings.

Some of the setting names may not be consistent with the settings dedicated for the build system plugins. See Configuration Settings for details.

  • Type:
  • Since: 1.0.0
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.settings


A list of settings parameters. Supported by Maven since 3.0.3. Can be configured by property since Maven 3.0.3.

  • Type:[]
  • Since: 1.0.0
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.settingsList


Displays detailed progress information.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: jtest.showdetails


Prints the current settings and customizations along with the information where each of them is configured (e.g. in the file).

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0.0
  • Required: No
  • User property: jtest.showsettings


Allows you to skip the Jtest execution phase. If set to true, only the data file is generated.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.1.0
  • Required: No
  • Default: false
  • User property: jtest.skip


This goal is provided by the test impact analysis plugin shipped with Jtest and allows you to perform test impact analysis of your project (see Test Impact Analysis).

Required Parameters

NameUser PropertyAccepted values / data typeDescription
referenceCoverageFilejtest.referenceCoverageFilePath | URL

The path to the coverage.xml file generated by Jtest during analysis. The file contains the coverage data collected during the run.

If you specify a URL, the file is downloaded to the Jtest execution directory and removed every time Maven is executed with the clean command. To change the default download location, configure the referenceStore parameter.

The default is: target/jtest/reference-store/coverage.xml


jtest.referenceReportFilePath | URL

The path to the report.xml file generated by Jtest during analysis. The file contains information about unit tests executed during the run.

If you specify a URL, the file is downloaded to the Jtest execution directory and removed every time Maven is executed with the clean command. To change the default download location, configure the referenceStore parameter.

The default is: target/jtest/reference-store/report.xml


The path to the Jtest installation directory. It is not required if the Jtest installatation directory has already been configured with the Maven settings or the JTEST_HOME environment variable.

Optional Parameters

NameUser PropertyAccepted values / data typeDescription



The path to the cache directory where the reference files are stored when downloaded from URLs specified with the referenceCoverageFile and referenceReportFile parameters.

The cache files are used as a baseline for test impact analysis until they are removed from the specified directory. When removed, they are re-downloaded from the URLs.

runFailedTestsjtest.runFailedTeststrue | false

Enables including all failed tests form the previous run in the current test run, even if they were not affected by the changes.

The default is: false

runModifiedTestsjtest.runModifiedTeststrue | false

Enables including new and modified tests (even if they were not affected by production code changes) in the test run.

The default is: true


The path to the .properties file that includes custom configuration settings.


A list of settings parameters. The multiple files specified with this setting are merged before execution.

The settings configured in the file located in the Jtest installation directory are automatically included.


Specifies additional tests to include or exclude. You can use glob patterns to match more filenames.

In the following command-line example, Jtest will re-run all tests that match the **/Test*.java  pattern and skip files named in any package within the analysis scope:

-Djtest.testFilter="**/Test*.java, !**/"

See Manually Filtering Tests to Re-run.

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