This topic explains how to integrate Jtest with Lombok.


Lombok is a library that allows you to reduce the amount of boilerplate code you need to add to a Java project. By using Lombok annotations, you can automatically generate getters and setters for data objects, saving the time and effort of manually writing them from scratch. You can learn more about the Lombok library at

Integrating Jtest with Lombok allows Jtest to recognize Lombok generated code when you perform analysis and testing from the command line or in the IDE.

Supported Versions

Jtest supports Lombok versions 1.18.4 - 1.18.12 and 1.18.20.

Integrating Jtest with Lombok

To integrate Jtest with the Lombok library:

  1. Open a command line interface.
  2. Go to <JTEST_INSTALL_DIR>/integration/lombok.
  3. Execute the following command:
    On Windows:

    gradlew installLombok --no-daemon

    On Linux or Mac OS:

    ./gradlew installLombok --no-daemon

    This will integrate Jtest with Lombok 1.18.20 available at

To integrate Jtest with a different version of the Lombok library, specify the URL or path to your lombok.jar using the lombokLocation command line option. For example:

On Windows:

gradlew installLombok -PlombokLocation=c:\downloads\lombok.jar --no-daemon

On Linux or Mac OS:

./gradlew installLombok -PlombokLocation=/home/account/downloads/lombok.jar --no-daemon

Known Limitations

  • In rare cases, class modifications made by Lombok may prevent static analysis from reporting some rule violations due to a mismatch between the violation and the source code.
  • Lombok 1.18.14 is not supported due to a bug in Lombok that prevents installation in Eclipse IDE. See for details.

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