In this section:


This error is generated when an attempt is made to de-allocate memory by using a pointer which currently points into the middle of a block, rather than to its beginning.


Freeing memory block from body



The following code attempts to free a memory region using an invalid pointer.

 * File: freebody.c
 #include <stdlib.h>

	char *a = (char *)malloc(10);

Diagnosis at Runtime

[freebody.c:9] **FREE_BODY**
>>	 	free(a+1);
Freeing memory block from body: a + 1
Pointer		: 0x000173e9
Stack trace where the error occurred:
			main() freebody.c, 9
**Memory corrupted. Program may crash!!**
  • Line 2: Source line at which the problem was detected.
  • Line 3: Description of the problem and the expression that is in error.
  • Line 4: Value of the pointer that is being deallocated.
  • Line 6: Stack trace showing the function call sequence leading to the error.
  • Line 7: Informational message indicating that a serious error has occurred which may cause the program to crash.


This is normally a serious error. In most cases, the line number indicated in the diagnostics will have a simple error that can be corrected.

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