In this section:


 This error is generated when any of the following occur:

  • A memory block is allocated with new and freed with free.
  • A memory block is allocated with malloc and freed with delete .
  • A memory block is allocated with one heap and freed with another heap.

ALLOC_CONFLICTMixing malloc/free with new/ delete(tick)RuntimeWindows/Unix

Memory was allocated with new or new[] and an attempt was made to free it with free.


Memory was allocated with malloc and an attempt was made to free it with delete or delete[].


Memory is allocated by one heap and freed by a different heap


Some compilers allow you to mix new and delete with malloc and free, but this is not good programming practice and may affect portability.

Problem 1

The following code shows a typical example of allocating a block of memory with new and then freeing it with free, instead of delete.

 * File: alloc1.cpp
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
	char *a;

	a = new char;
	return 0;

Diagnosis at Runtime

[alloc1.cpp:10] **ALLOC_CONFLICT**
>>				free(a);
Memory allocation conflict: a
free() used to deallocate memory which was allocated
		using new
				a, allocated at:
				main()alloc1.cpp, 9

Stack trace where the error occurred:
				main()alloc1.cpp, 10
  • Line 1: Source line at which the problem was detected.
  • Line 3: Brief description of the problem.
  • Line 4: Description of the conflicting allocation/deallocation.
  • Line 9: Stack trace showing the function call sequence leading to the error.

Problem 2

The following code shows another typical example of this type of error, allocating a block of memory with malloc and then freeing it with delete.

 * File: alloc2.cpp
 #include <stdlib.h>

 int main() {
 char *a;

 a = (char *) malloc(1);
 delete a;
 return 0;

Diagnosis at Runtime

[alloc2.cpp:10] **ALLOC_CONFLICT**
>> 				delete a;
Memory allocation conflict: a
delete operator used to deallocate memory not
	allocated by new
		block allocated at:
			main()alloc2.cpp, 9
Stack trace where the error occurred:
			main()alloc2.cpp, 10
  • Line 1: Source line at which the problem was detected.
  • Line 3: Brief description of the problem.
  • Line 4: Description of the conflicting allocation/deallocation.
  • Line 9: Stack trace showing the function call sequence leading to the error.

Problem 3 (Windows)

The following code shows a typical example of allocating a block of memory with one heap handle and then freeing it with another heap handle.

 * File: alloc3.cpp
 #include <windows.h>

 int main() {
 HANDLE processHeap = GetProcessHeap();
 LPVOID p = HeapAlloc(processHeap, 0, 42);

 HANDLE myHeap = HeapCreate(0, 0, 0);
 LPVOID q = HeapAlloc(myHeap, 0, 42);

 HeapFree(myHeap, 0, p);
 return 0;

Diagnosis at Runtime

[alloc3.cpp:13] (Thread 0) **ALLOC_CONFLICT**
>> 		HeapFree(myHeap, 0, p);
Memory allocation conflict: <argument 3>
heap used to deallocate memory which was allocated in a different heap
		p, allocated at alloc3.cpp, 8
			HeapAlloc() (interface)
				main() alloc3.cpp, 8

Stack trace where the error occurred:
			HeapFree() (interface)
				main() alloc3.cpp, 13 
  • Line 1: Source line at which the problem was detected.
  • Line 3: Brief description of the problem.
  • Line 4: Description of the conflicting allocation/deallocation.
  • Line 9: Stack trace showing the function call sequence leading to the error.

Problem 4 (Windows)

The following code shows an example of a subtle memory allocation conflict. The main executable frees a memory block allocated by a dynamic-link library (DLL). The library is linked dynamically with the C runtime library, but the executable is linked statically instead. Thus, the executable and the library use different copies of the C runtime library and different C library heaps.

 * File: alloc4dll.cpp
 * Build with "insure /Zi /MD /LD alloc4dll.cpp".

#include <stdlib.h>

__declspec(dllexport) void *foo()
	void *p = malloc(10);
	return p;
Main executable
 * File: alloc4exe.cpp
 * Build with "insure /Zi alloc4exe.cpp alloc4dll.lib".

#include <stdlib.h>

void *foo();

int main()
	void *p = foo();
	return 0;

Diagnosis at Runtime

[alloc4exe.cpp:14] (Thread 0) **ALLOC_CONFLICT**
>> 		free(p);
Memory allocation conflict: <argument 1>
heap used to deallocate memory which was allocated in a different heap
		p, allocated at alloc4dll.cpp, 11
			malloc() (interface)
			foo() alloc4dll.cpp, 11
			main() alloc4exe.cpp, 13

Stack trace where the error occurred:
			free() (interface)
			main() alloc4exe.cpp, 14
  • Line 1: Source line at which the problem was detected.
  • Line 3: Brief description of the problem.
  • Line 4: Description of the conflicting allocation/deallocation.
  • Line 10: Stack trace showing the function call sequence leading to the error.


This type of error can be corrected by making sure that all your memory allocations match up.

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